Intalnire Open Legislative Data
Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
tct la
Mar Iul 10 13:42:56 UTC 2012
Trimit rezumatul lui Bogdan despre întâlnirea Open Legislative Data:
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:39:15 +0300
From: Bogdan Manolea <bogdan la>
Dupa cum am mai zis pe lista - am fost la Paris la o intalnire pe tema
Open Legislative Data - info mai detaliat aici, cu note pe etherpad de
la fiecare intalnire -
Citeva note pe scurt - mai detaliat mai jos, notele mele in romengleza
si pe zonele de etherpad mai sus.
1. Intalnire la intersectia 3 lumi - specialisti in stiinte politice,
webdevelopers&hactivists + parlament monitoring organizations (PMO) -
btw exista approx 191 de PMOs care se uita la parlamentele a peste 80 de
tari - detalii in raportul asta
2. Multe solutii FOSS in diverse colturi ale lumii, destul de putina
colaborare intre ele (sau mai deloc - a doua zi au incercat sa se
dezbata motivele).
Citeva exemple interesante:
2a. Germania -
Se pun intrebari catre parlamentari (si nu numai) - rata de raspuns este
de 80%. Acopera 42 parlamente - (federal - german, austria si
luxembourg) 133 k interbari de la cetateni - 81% raspunse. Va deveni
FOSS in citeva luni
2b. Lituania
open citizens education and Parliamentary Monitoring Tool
2c. Italia - au o chestiune numita
Productivity Index
2d. Ungaria - o baza de data imensa - tools to track corruption.
Colleting newspaper articles and tagging them -- topics, MPs,
Acum se apuca sa integreze mai multe informatii din parlament.
2e Portugalia - un proiect misto mai ales la nivel de imagine, nelansat inca
2f. Multiple proiecte de la
Reutilizare date la
2g Mexic
2h. Interesante si proiectele lui Stefan Mariske prin reutilizarea
datelor de la PE
a. - free plagiarims detetctor for tracing and
commenting legal texts for non-lawyers
c. pi phone - call meps for free & political memory
d. respect my net - report net neutrality violations
e. digital rights watch DiRiWa - wiki on digital rights -
3. Din Romania m-am mai intalnit cu Adrian Moraru (IPP, - un speech destul de generic in plenara
Mihail Chiru (CEU - Budapest) - prezentarea lui era in paralel cu a mea
- din cite am inteles vor si ei sa lanseze o aplicatie de re-utilizare a
datelor si mai ales a unui tool de a afla cam in ce zona politica ai fi
interesat in functie de raspunsuri la diverse intrebari
- Constantin Vica (Univ Bucuresti) - despre open data the Quest of
Meaning (o abordare critica, filosofica).
4. Prezentarea mea a fost mutata pina la urma penultima din sesiunea a
2-a (adica sesiunea Law Tracking or Law Hacking), lumea era destul de
obosita, feedback-ul a fost limitat - cred ca majoritatea din sala erau
din zona de stiinte politice (dupa celelalta intrebari si prezentari)
Grr :-(
In general un eveniment interesant la nivel de concept, desi punerea in
practica a fost nitel defectuoasa (cind ai 10 min/prezentare nu-l lasi
pe primul sa vb 30 de min) - multe prezentari si extrem de diverse
(unele din domeniul Political Sciences erau mai lipsite de interes
direct sau practic si mai mult teoretic). Una peste alta, destul de
interesat sa vezi ce mai fac altii. (eram insa cu urechea la ce se
intampla in tara cind il demiteau pe presedinte).
Cam asta e pe scurt, daca vreti mai multe detalii pe o chestiune anume
sa imi ziceti. Probabil ca video-ul de la plenara va fi pus si online
Toate bune
Bogdan Manolea
+40 721 205 603
See also
1-a parte
1. The Law Factory - using developers tools to analyse the evolution of
parliamentary bills - made by Regards Citoyens? - - 8 membri azi
Convertirea legislatiei in date ( la nivel de paragraf) si sa vine cine
ce a propus (si cum s-a modificat) - track changes - Law is code
Prototip - Gitorius - Law is code - vizializare gource(?) -
2. Declartion on Parliamentary Openess
Sunt 190 de organizatii de monitorizare ale Parlamentarilor ce
supravgheaza cam 80 de Parlamente.
(brazil) sharing code on several tools to watch parlamentarians
Declaration - propuse sa fie adoptata de PMO (Parliament Monitoring
Organizations) - disponibila de la
Comments open by 31 July 2012 - - lansat acum 2 sapt - isi propun sa aib awiki
of good practice/comparative information on parliamentaruu openness
3. Claire-Emmanuelle Longuet (Conseiller, Direction de la séance, Sénat,
France), AMELI and BASILE: Informatics tools and the Sénat’s procedure(5’)
- tools for adding amendments and Q&A - all not open data
4. Ashok Hariharan (UN/DESA – Africa i-Parliaments, Kenya), Akoma Ntoso
and Bungeni: Open standards and Open Source Applications for a
sustainable open access to parliamentary activities: the experiences and
applications of Africa i-Parliaments
Unelte pentru parlamente - toate OS - unele folosite de PE
Ana Carvalho and Ricardo Lafuente (Manufactura Independente, Portugal),
Persuasive Interfaces (5’)
- - foarte interesant - re-utilizarea datlor
parlamentare din Portugalia - nelansat inca oficial
Alexandre Girard (Tetalab France), Politimap: Visualizing Parlementary
Activities (5’)
- reutilizarea datelor din - open source, open data -
Gregor Hackmack (ParliamentWatch Germany), ParliamentWatch
- trimitere de intrebari catre MP (sau si ministrii) si se primesc
in jur de 80% raspund - presine din partea media daca nu se raspunde.
Candidate check - pune 20 de intrebari despre diverse subiecte, apoi
Acopera 42 parlamente - (federal - german, austria si luxembourg)
133 k interbari de la cetateni - 81% raspunse
Adrian Moraru (Institute for Public Policy, Romania), Using IT
Technology in Roll Call Analysis to Make the Romanian MP More
Accountable (5’)
Tom Steinberg (My society, UK), Let’s Collaborate on PMO Software: A
Proposal (10’)
3 problems
- a balance of talents (politicians vs geeks)
- stoping waste (re-using data)
- teher are not radical parliaments (nu sunt extremde inovative)
Stefan Marsiske (Free software developer, Hungary), Hacking for Freedom
in the EU (5’)
1. interpreting law proposal - pippi longstrings - free plagiarims
detetctor for tracing and commenting ;egal texts for non-lawyers
3. scrutinizing - political memeory
pi - phone
Net neutrality - websiet collecting violation of nn
Respect My net
5.legislative oversight
Digital rights watchh
Productivity Index - Open Parliamento
counting what an MP is doing every day -
in order to do a ranking
MPs declaration - can be uploaded by users and then vs Votes
Norway - collect electoral promises with voting data - open citizens education and Parliamentary Monitoring Tool
Position calculation
Flegscrap - github
+ note externe (luate de la altii)
Regards Citoyens
gitorious - git tool allows wikipedia-izing of writing laws/amending
prototype of law factory project:
Gource: viewing realtime lawmaking
Claire-Emanuelle Longuet, French Senat
Ameli (amdts) Basile (?s) -
ameli allows senators to send amdts -- 8,000-10,000 per yr
also sends the minutes of the senate
allows citizens to obtain realtime information and follow bills
Basile: for senators to raise questions and receive answers
an oversight tool to get info from govt, etc.
available for citizens to get info on questions and to ask
Ashok Hariharan; africa i-parliaments
want to fix the producer of information
mgt of info production not just presentation docs
support workflow not just publishing website
leg software isnt just another product
akoma ntoso: xml standard supports markup
bungeni: family of open source softwares
bungeni: uganda, mozambique, maritius and 1 more - pilot program
akmoa: EP, west bank inst of law, brazil and uruguay expressed interest
ana carvalho, ricardo lafuente - portugal - demo.cratica
persuasive interfaces - find what you want and what you didnt know you
typography, design principles are important
three-clicks rule to get to relevant information
gen design, what info, how to visualize, less steps is better, simple
language, data>design
Brian Crisp; wash univ in st louis
use the results of leg voting to help understand transpar and accountability
cataloging the rules about voting - secret, roll call, voice votes
example from argentina: choose roll call if leg origin was exec branch,
if debate is longer
had effect on discipline and cohesiveness of groups
example from EP: mandatory roll call falls on party lines, not mandatory
less cohesive groups
slovakia: great viewing of roll call votes, no access to bulk data -
Alexander Girard - politimap -
web app w regards citoyen data
jonathan bright: euro univ institute - oversight measurements
4 measures: speed of process, cmte debates, changes to legis, roll call
do crime and security legis get less scrutiny than other bills (UK Parl
speed: much less time to pass csb
cmte: have more cmte sittings with csb, also sit for longer (words spoken)
amdts: not significantly different from normal bills
votes: csb have high turnout and pass with low majorities
conclusion: on these measures of oversight, csb don’t experience less
keith poole’s nominate system:
gregor hackmack: (parliamentwatch)
working in ireland and tunisia
(kosovo, serbia, south africa and pakistan lined up)
adrian moraru, IPP romania
tom steinberg, mysociety
need to bridge gap btwn politicos and geeks
need to share tools to reduce waste
no radical parliaments, need to work with beacons
stefan marsiske, hacking for freedom in the EU
pi phone - call meps for free
digital rights watch DiRiWa - wiki on digital rights -
Dirk Junge, univ of manheim
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