OpenDataMonitor publishes over 500 open data resources to support reusers, researchers and practitioners

Daniel POP danielpop la
Mar Mai 12 14:11:03 UTC 2015

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[share-psi] OpenDataMonitor publishes over 500 open data 
resources to support reusers, researchers and practitioners
Date: 	Tue, 12 May 2015 11:40:43 +0100
From: 	Amanda Smith <amanda.smith la>
To: 	share-psi la <share-psi la>

Dear all,

I've been working on some research for the OpenDataMonitor project 
<>which has just been published.

It's a collection 
data publishing platforms and APIs, catalogues and portals across EU, 
and over 500 open data 'reports' (blog posts, conference papers, how to 
guides, reports, etc).

A supporting blog post 
<>(with the 
research embedded) has been published on the ODI's website

and I've tweeted from @OpenDataMonitor 

This collection is for anyone and everyone to use, add to and share.

You can help by contributing to the resource, retweeting 
spreading the word in your networks to your colleagues, contacts and 
anyone you come across who is new to open data and may find this a 
useful starting point in their journey.

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions then please do get in 

Thank you,



Amanda Smith

Community Engagement Manager <>

@ayymanduh <>

The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE <>

OpenDataMonitor <> | @OpenDataMonitor| 
<> Subscribe: ODM newsletter 

Data-and-Platform-as-a-Service <> | 
@DaPaaSproject <>

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