The new version of the open data handbook is almost out - can you help up with the Romanian localisation?

Alex Morega alex la
Vin Mai 8 16:10:44 UTC 2015

Hai mâine, la hackatonul baronilor locali, putem să facem un efort coordonat de traducere.

-- Alex

> On 08 May 2015, at 19:03, Silviu Vert <silviu.vert la> wrote:
> Salut,
> Sectiunea in care sunt definiti termenii din Open Data Handbook, proiect coordonat de Open Knowledge, este in lucru, trecand la o versiune noua, cu mai multa informatie si pagini separate pentru fiecare termen. 
> E nevoie de ajutor la traducere si "segmentarea" paginii. Practic, trebuie tradusa pagina asta din engleza in romana, tinand cont (refolosind) continut din traducerea veche.
> Cei mai tehnici pot sa foloseasca explicatiile de aici si sa modifice direct in sursa.
> Daca sunt persoane mai putin tehnice care doresc sa se implice, pot sa ne ajute traducand simplu intr-un doc iar apoi cineva priceput pune traducerea pe site.
> Sunt doritori?
> Weekend frumos,
> Silviu
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mor Rubinstein <mor.rubinstein la>
> Date: Thu, May 7, 2015 at 10:50 PM
> Subject: The new version of the open data handbook is almost out - can you help up with the Romanian localisation?
> To: Silviu Vert <silviu.vert la>
> Hi Silviu,
> I hope you are all well. :-)
> It is our pleasure to inform you that we are in the midst of changing our Open Data Handbook. The new version of the book will include a guide, a collection of users stories and a new resource library - the only collection online that gather non academic resources on Open government Data. You can see the new version here -
> We are planning to launch the book early next week and we’re approaching you because there is a  current translation of the guide in Romanian. Currently, the guide has two sections - the guide and the glossary. The guide contains links to glossary terms in order to help people to understand what they read. 
> Can you or other from your local community kindly help us improve the translations and functionality of the new glossary?
> In the old version of the glossary, the terms were anchor links in one page - meaning they didn’t have their own web page. In the new glossary, each term has it own webpage, like this one - , At present, we have transferred the old glossary to the site in the old format - i.e. all the terms on one page. 
> As a first step towards realizing the full functionality of the new glossary, we need you to help us translate and create pages for the glossary terms. Instructions how to do it are here - 
> After all of the original  translated glossary terms we will move to the new structure and all the links in the guide will work properly again. 
> If you have a few minutes please take a look at it and tell us if anything is wrong and needs to be fixed. 
> If you have a bit more time and will, please help us by  translating the new glossary terms. Just follow the instructions above. 
> The site is still in beta, and might have some bugs. Please do write to us about any bugs or other feedback you have. We welcome it. 
> I will be available to assist you with this if needed. Just email me back or set a call with me on Skype. My username is mor.rubinstein. 
> Thank you,
> Mor and the handbook team 
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