Fwd: EDP presents: re-use survey on Open Data

Andrei Nicoara andrei.nicoara la anse.ro
Joi Feb 18 09:01:24 UTC 2016

Am placerea de a supune atentiei dvs urmatorul subiect:

Dear member of the PSI group,

Thank you for the constructive collaboration so far. The European Data
Portal Team would like to draw your attention on the launch of a European
survey on the re-use of Open Data.

Re-using Open Data yields a diverse range of benefits, from improved
performance of public administrations, economic growth in the private
sector to wider social welfare. The study on *Creating Value through Open
that between 2016 and 2020, the market size of Open Data is expected to
increase by 36.9%, to a value of 75.7 bn EUR in 2020.

The European Data Portal team now wishes to collect examples of Open Data
re-use to further promote the benefits of Open Data.

This survey is designed to gather information on companies that create
products and/or services building on the re-use of Open Data. The examples
provided should illustrate the economic impact of re-using Open Data at
company level. This survey aims to include *everyone*. Whether you are *a
start-up, a non-profit organisation, a SME or a multibillion company*,
please participate in this survey!

In addition to analysing the survey results, 25 most interesting examples
of Open Data re-use will be approached for an interview. *The stories will
be shared on the European Data Portal*.

*The information provided will be treated confidentially and will not be
shared with third parties. The answers to the question will be used for
research purposes only.*



We would very much appreciate it if you, as a PSI representative in your
country, could promote the survey on your respective data portals, share it
with your network of innovation labs, start-ups or other related
communities, and spread the information about the survey across your

Many thanks!

Kind regards,

The European Data Portal Team

Twitter <https://twitter.com/EU_DataPortal>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanDataPortal>
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=8428984>
Google+ <https://plus.google.com/103679408419810180085/about>
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