[drn-discuss] [Fwd: [A2k] Proposed approach for May 12-13 TACD a2k
meeting in London]
Rufus Pollock
rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Apr 8 09:24:05 PDT 2005
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [A2k] Proposed approach for May 12-13 TACD a2k meeting in London
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2005 07:44:20 -0400
From: James Love <james.love at cptech.org>
To: a2k at lists.essential.org, ip at tacd.org
Proposed approach for May 12-13 TACD a2k meeting in London
On February 3 and 4, CPTech, Third World Network and the International
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions held a two-day
meeting in Geneva to discuss possible elements on a Treaty on Access to
On May 12-13 2005, TACD will hold a meeting, in cooperation with the
Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute in London.
My suggestion for this event is to follow the general format our the Feb
3, 4 experts consultation on the possible elements of an a2k Treaty, but
some changes.
The Feb 3, 4 invitation only meeting focused entirely on evaluations of
specific proposals for text and subject matter of an a2k Treaty. With
the exception of opening and closing presentations setting the context
and discussing the follow-up, the rest of the meeting involved
presentation, discussion and critique of more than 2 dozen proposals for
the treaty, nearly all of which had been presented earlier on an a2k
discussion list. http://lists.essential.org/mailman/listinfo/a2k
That consultation produced a wealth of excellent suggestions for treaty
language. The proposal is to bring these various proposals together,
incorporating the excellent commentary from the Feb 3,4 meeting, and
have a second consultation, this time working from a consolidated text.
A number of persons have offered to assist in the drafting of a
consolidated text.
My proposal is to recommend a fairly small committee to review a
consulted text (which I am happy to recommend next week), but to be very
inclusive in terms of the work on particular subject areas, as
limitations and exceptions for education or libraries, software
procurement issues, collection societies, rules for patents on public
good database, standards, etc. The most efficient way forward is to
identify (to me or to the list) the particular areas of interest, to
make sure that you are included in the early review of proposed text for
the areas you care the most about.
Also, like before, people would be encouraged to present new text or
comments on old text to the a2k listserve.
The format for the main body of the Feb 3,4 meeting was fairly informal.
We had There were no powerpoint presentations, no announced names of
speakers for the presentation of the proposals for treaty text, and
panel chairs and presenters were often recruited on short notice to
present text and answer questions. This worked pretty well on Feb 3 and
4, and I would like to repeat this again.
I do suggest the meeting on May 12-13 have a more open approach to
invitations, and more inclusive in terms of groups representing
right-owners, Northern governments or WIPO secretariat.
I welcome comments on this proposed meeting format.
I am posting this note on the TACD and a2k listsevers.
James Love, Director, CPTech, http://www.cptech.org
Consumer Project on Technology in Washington, DC
PO Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036, USA
Tel.: 1.202.387.8030, fax:
Consumer Project on Technology in Geneva
1 Route des Morillons, CP 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 6727
Mobile +1.202.361.3040
james.love at cptech.org
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