[drn-discuss] Digital rights, open knowledge, F/OSS get together saturday 21st May

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue May 17 03:07:24 PDT 2005


Inspired by Cory's brilliant copyfighter events I'm organizing (at short 
notice) a get-together in Cambridge for all people interested in digital 
rights, open knowledge or free/open source issues. Given the distance 
this is probably going to be of greater interest to those living in and 
around Cambridge but if anyone else would fancy an afternoon away from 
the big city they are most welcome. Feel free to pass this invite on to 
anyone you think would be interested and please RSVP if you can.


m: 07795 176 976

When: 1600 - 1800, Saturday 21st May
Where: 37 Panton Street, CB2 1HL (probably adjourning to The Panton Arms)
Directions: People will be coming all different ways so it's probably 
best check out multimap or give me a call

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