[drn-discuss] Cambridge Copynight: Monday 26th September 1900

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Sep 13 07:22:14 CDT 2005

Announcing the third Cambridge Copynight dedicated to discussing digital 
rights, open knowledge and F/OSS. Scheduled for the evening of Monday 
the 26th of September. Items to discuss include:

   * New Open Rights Group
   * FreeCulture-UK chapter in Cambridge
   * Practical projects in cambridge: open wifi, linux + ndiyo in 
schools, ....
   * Copyright extensions
   * Involving students at the start of a new academic year

Obviously this is likely to be of more interest to people in and around 
cambridge but anyone is welcome. Please rsvp to let me know if you can 
come and feel free to forward to anyone else you think might be interested.


m: 07795 176 976

Where: Rendezvous at 37 Panton Street (CB2 1HL) then the Panton Arms
When: 26th of September at 7pm (1900)
Who: Anyone who wants to come

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