[drn-discuss] UKPO consultations

David M. Berry d.berry at sussex.ac.uk
Fri Sep 30 12:07:44 CDT 2005

On 30 Sep 2005, at 17:57, Peter Clay wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 05:55:08PM +0100, David M. Berry wrote:
>>     ok, there's a productive way forward -- let's just dismiss the  
>> entire
>>     discipline of economics as having anything to contribute here.  
>> i can see
>>     that would encourage politicians to take us seriously.
>> This is a straw man that nobody had suggested.
> "What has economics ever managed to forecast successfully?", you said.
> That sounds rather dismissive to me.

Being critical of economics past performance is not the same thing as  
realising that it has a discursive and ideological function in  
government to justify certain policies and procedures taking place.  
Empirical data is useful, but is a double-edged sword.

>>     unfortunate that you often seem to provoke as well.
>> Well, that can be a side effect.
> Indeed. What effect do you think this has on discussion, and do you
> think it is likely to lead to positive changes in Free Culture?

I believe in the importance of agonistic debate. I feel that testing  
opinions, ideas and concepts out in public is a means of both sharing  
ideas and learning from each other. I believe that the more political  
the concepts of Free Culture become the better.



> Pete
> -- 
> Peter Clay                                         | Campaign for    
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