[drn-discuss] Yale ISP's Open Standards International Symposium (OSIS)

Eddan Katz eddank at aya.yale.edu
Wed Jan 17 20:11:04 GMT 2007


The Information Society Project at Yale Law School cordially invites you to
attend the Open Standards International Symposium (OSIS), scheduled for
February 3, 2007, at Yale Law School in New Haven, CT.  Anyone interested in
attending is encouraged to register at

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) standards are increasingly
serving as a locus of political and economic controversy.  Technical standards,
though not made by legislatures or elected representatives, 
increasingly mediate
between prevailing social tensions such as access to information 
versus property
rights and law enforcement versus individual civil liberties. Economically, the
intellectual property arrangements underlying standards determine the
competitive openness of certain technology markets and intersect directly with
global trade conflicts. Technically, recent interoperability problems in
government services like disaster response have prompted renewed political
interest in open standards around the globe.  Despite the significance of open
standards in the global ICT context, even the meaning of openness is a
contentious topic. OSIS will be the first academic conference to examine
concepts of open standards in the larger context of technology, markets,
politics, and law.

During this ground-breaking symposium, a distinguished international group of
technologists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, executives, lawyers, computer
scientists, and activists will map out the terrain of open standards issues in
four panels: (1) Technology; (2) Economics; (3) Politics; and (4) Law.

For a full conference description and to register for the event, please visit
the symposium web site at http://research.yale.edu/isp/eventsosis.html.

Confirmed speakers include:
An Baisheng, Deputy Division Chief, WTO Department, Ministry of Commerce,
People's Republic of China
Jack Balkin, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First 
Amendment, and
Director, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
Daniel Benoliel, ISP Fellow Alumnus, Information Society Project, Yale Law
Vittorio Bertola, At-Large Advisory Committee, ICANN; President & CTO, Dynamic
Sherrie Bolin, President and CEO, The Bolin Group
Geoffrey Bowker, Professor & Executive Director, Center for Science, 
and Society, Santa Clara University
Carl Cargill, Chief Standards Officer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Laura DeNardis, Visiting Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
Alexander Galloway, Assistant Professor, Culture & Communication, New York
Linda Garcia, Professor & Director, Communication, Culture & Technology,
Georgetown University
Rishab Ghosh, Senior Researcher, United Nations University, Maastricht Economic
and Social Research Training Centre on Innovation & Technology
Robin Gross, Executive Director, IP Justice
Eddan Katz, Executive Director, Information Society Project, and Lecturer in
Law, Yale Law School
Ken Krechmer, Fellow, International Center for Standards Research, 
University of
Colorado, Boulder
John Morris, Director, Internet Standards, Technology, and Policy Project,
Center for Democracy and Technology
John Palfrey, Executive Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society;
Clinical Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Huang Rengang, Minister Counsellor of the Permanent Mission to the 
WTO, People's
Republic of China
Manon Ress, Director, Information Society Projects, Consumer Project on
Robert Shaw, Deputy Head, Strategy and Policy Unit, International
Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Peter Strickx, General Manager, Architecture & Standards, Fedict, Belgium
Bob Sutor, Vice President, Standards and Open Source, IBM Corp.
Natalie Sunker, Republic of South Africa, Deputy Director, Intellectual
Property, Policy & Legislation, Department of Trade and Industry
Andrew Updegrove, Partner, Gesmer Updegrove LLP
John Wilson, Lead Economist, Development Economics Research Group,
International Trade, The World Bank

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