[ECODP-dev] EU ODP > synchro issue with CKAN > urgent

Bert Van Nuffelen bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com
Fri Apr 5 14:54:14 UTC 2013

Hi John and Darwin,

During the last days we are investigating the synchro between  CKAN
and virtuoso.
What we now observe at the OP site is that a manually added dataset is
visible on the portal but not present in the list from the REST call
used in the next script.
I am wondering if it could be possible that the API call and the
portal frontend point to different DB's. Are there some configurations
that could be the reason for that?

CKANRESULTS=`curl http://localhost/data/api/action/package_list -d {}`

PACKAGES=`echo $CKANRESULTS| sed -e "s/.*\"result\":..//" | sed -e
"s/].*//"| sed -e "s/\"//g" |sed -e "s/,//g" `


for p in $PACKAGES ; do
    echo $p
#    wget http://localhost/data/dataset/$p.rdf

Bert Van Nuffelen

Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce

Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
skype: bert.van.nuffelen

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