[ECODP-dev] Failing to create user

Dimitrios Mexis dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com
Tue Aug 27 11:11:41 UTC 2013

Hello John/David,

In */applications/users/ecodp/users/**ckan/bin*
we have placed there the scripts based on the API calls to do some 
particular job.

So using this one to create a new user, user "publito" is not logging in

Here the command and the response. Is the message ok if a new user has 
been created ??

[root at tffvirt-rh-template bin]# ./ckan_create_publ_user.sh publito jrc 
7cf5efc2-943e-4510-8faf-ee9f83bea3a3 http://localhost
Confirm password:
Creating user: 'publito'
{'Password': 'Your password must be 4 characters or longer'}
   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time Time     Time  
                                  Dload  Upload   Total Spent    Left  Speed
118   988  109   988    0    82    860     71  0:00:01  0:00:01 
--:--:--   793
{"help": "Make an object (e.g. a user, dataset or group) a member of a 
group.\n\n If the object is already a member of the group then the 
capacity of the\n membership will be updated.\n\n You must be authorized 
to edit the group.\n\n :param id: the id or name of the group to add the 
object to\n :type id: string\n :param object: the id or name of the 
object to add\n :type object: string\n :param object_type: the type of 
the object being added, e.g. ``'package'``\n or ``'user'``\n :type 
object_type: string\n :param capacity: the capacity of the membership\n 
:type capacity: string\n\n :returns: the newly created (or updated) 
membership\n :rtype: dictionary\n\n ", *"success": true*, "result": 
{"capacity": "editor", "state": "active", "table_id": "User: None", 
"table_name": "user", "revision_id": 
"18962c90-5695-454d-ac48-b8008e7ff7c9", "group_id": 
"3e0dc8d7-cfdf-44cd-af59-fb8d63c94869", "id": 
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