[ECODP-dev] Feedback on proposed designs

HOHN Norbert (OP) Norbert.HOHN at publications.europa.eu
Tue Jul 23 15:58:01 UTC 2013

Thanks Darwin. We are looking into it and will answer asap.


Norbert HOHN
Head of Open Data Portal sector
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit

2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 2929 44586 • Fax: +352 2929 44085
norbert.hohn at publications.europa.eu<mailto:norbert.hohn at publications.europa.eu>

From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 3:12 PM
To: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); ISOARD Olivier (OP); HOHN Norbert (OP); John Martin
Subject: Feedback on proposed designs

Dear Norbert,

Thank you for sending the revised designs last week. John (our user experience specialist) and I have been looking at this and have some suggestions for slight changes that we feel will make the designs clearer.

With this is mind please see some revised versions attached.

I have described the main changes below.

Dataset page
* Separated the visualisations from the other resources.
* Removed format labels from visualisations
* Added an explicit download or visit page button next to each resource as appropriate for the type of resource
* Made the resource box the same width as the rest of the content

Publisher page
* Reintroduced the count of the number of datasets from this publisher
* Moved the title to be above the search box so it's more obvious that you are searching this publisher

Search results page
* Reintroduced the number of search results
* Included search term next to count of results

Thanks also for the suggestions on the homepage. Unfortunately even with those suggestions we are still going to get quite big variations in the lengths of the columns meaning that things will not line up exactly as shown in the mockup. We have no control over the content in the introduction and the same content will obviously be different lengths when translated into different languages. The same issue applies to the dataset titles, some of which will wrap onto two lines etc. Whilst we could truncate these after one line I think this is bad as the dataset name is a key bit of information when you're scanning the page.

One approach would be to make the boxes a fixed minimum height to allow for some variation. However this would mean that there could be quite a lot of space between the last item and the border at the bottom. Having the borders around each box will emphasises this so our recommendation would be to remove the borders.

John and I Look forward to your feedback.



Darwin Peltan

Project Manager  |  skype: darwinp  |  twitter: @darwin<http://twitter.com/darwin>

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