[ECODP-dev] ODP : Translations completed in Transifex

ISOARD Olivier (OP) Olivier.ISOARD at publications.europa.eu
Wed Jun 5 10:03:17 UTC 2013

Hi Darwin,

I just got the confirmation that the first big translation exercise in Transifex, conducted by DGT is now completed.

1.       [DONE] 05/06/2013: DGT will provide translations in Transifex

2.       07/06/2013: OKF compile translations in a new version of CKAN and deploy the candidate release on 10F env

3.       12/06/2013: DGT review the pages and OKF receives corrections on these translations (Corrections encoded by OP into Transifex)

4.       15/06/2013: Deadline for OP to deliver new translation for DRUPAL

5.       26/06/2013: Release of 00.09.00 integrating correction given by 12/06 June and delivery from 16/06

You can proceed now with step n°2: export of the texts, recompilation and deployment of CKAN on http://odp.tenforce.com

Thanks to confirm us (keep everyone in CC please) when it's done as we're now waiting for your green light in order to start the review (step 3)

Best regards,

Olivier ISOARD
Projets Informatiques

Office des publications de l'Union européenne
Direction A – Core Business Services
Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques

2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292942360 • Fax: +352 292944604
olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu<mailto:olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu>

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