[ECODP-dev] WSGI processes

John Glover john.glover at okfn.org
Mon Jun 17 10:12:43 UTC 2013

Hi Dimitrios,

The number of threads/processes should be set depending on the hardware
specifications of the server and the expected load (requests/sec). This is
really a sysadmin issue, but these two responses to queries on the subject
should give you an idea:




On 17 June 2013 11:55, Dimitrios Mexis <dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com> wrote:

> Hi reading this document
> https://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationGuidelines#Defining_Process_Groups
> I read this section and I have now the question, is that ok we have
> processes=6 instead of 1 ?
> and why have we six  ?
> *processes=num*
> Defines the number of daemon processes that should be started in this
> process group. If not defined then only one process will be run in this
> process group.
> Note that if this option is defined as 'processes=1', then the WSGI
> environment attribute called 'wsgi.multiprocess' will be set to be True
> whereas not providing the option at all will result in the attribute being
> set to be False. This distinction is to allow for where some form of
> mapping mechanism might be used to distribute requests across multiple
> process groups and thus in effect it is still a multiprocess application.
> If you need to ensure that 'wsgi.multiprocess' is False so that interactive
> debuggers will work, simply do not specify the 'processes' option and allow
> the default single daemon process to be created in the process group.
> Regards
> Dimitrios
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