[ECODP-dev] ODP: troubleshoot issues with production instance

ISOARD Olivier (OP) Olivier.ISOARD at publications.europa.eu
Tue Mar 5 10:04:07 UTC 2013

Hi Darwin,

Thanks for the proposal. We have anyway our weekly telco together with 10F this afternoon. Let’s discuss it there.

Just an update on the current situation:

Ø  The roll back to 00.07.01 is now completed. We applied then there the latest changed we managed last week: Load of DS and user account creation.

Ø  Yesterday after the roll back we still faced drop of prefs & troubles which made us doubting it may come directly from 00.07.05 patch.

Ø  We are still investigating other potential sources explaining the problem: VM, network, visitor traffic on the website…

Ø  What we noted already this morning is that Baidu, the Chinese search engine was crawling the ODP. We still checking whether or not this was also the case last week when the servers crashed several times.

>From you side, could you please have a look at what can be configured, for example in “robot.txt” in order to have a better fine tuning of what can be indexed by crawlers from what we can forbid access without preventing people finding ODP main pages.

Best regards,

Olivier ISOARD
Projets Informatiques

Office des publications de l'Union européenne
Direction A – Core Business Services
Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques

2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292942360 • Fax: +352 292944604
olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu<mailto:olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu>

From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 10:52 AM
To: ISOARD Olivier (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); MEYER André (OP-EXT); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project
Subject: Call to troubleshoot issues with production instance

Dear Olivier

I just wanted to reiterate that David and I are available today to assist with troubleshooting.

We are available this morning or this afternoon apart from 15:30 to 17:30 CET.

A goto meeting session with your sysadmin may allow us to pinpoint the issue.



Darwin Peltan
Project Manager

The Open Knowledge Foundation

Skype: darwinp
Twitter: @darwin
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