[ECODP-dev] ODP : Release 00.08.00 - Installation failed - Delivery rejected!
Bert Van Nuffelen
bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com
Mon Mar 18 10:46:14 UTC 2013
Hi Olivier,
we were already working on taking you friday and todays remarks into
account to update the documentation.
I keep you informed about the progress and provide you this afternoon
a timeline.
kind regards,
2013/3/18 ISOARD Olivier (OP) <Olivier.ISOARD at publications.europa.eu>:
> Dear Bert,
> Following your last feedback on issues we are facing with this release, we
> have now CKAN OK (new gui) but Drupal broken (old gui) L (the other way
> round than yesterday evening). Well, there were so many changes and
> adaptations done by us, comparing to the instructions of the initial
> installation procedure that the situation is really messy now on test (also
> including the problem with the DRUPAL dump that was not properly delivered
> and you propose to redelivery which will cause again troubles)
> Then, we decide to formally reject the delivery. Our testing env will be
> rolled back to 00.07.05 until we’ll get new information from you.
> Then, please:
> Ø Analyse all the comments we added in the installation procedure document
> joined to this email (see track changes)
> Ø Review the installation sequence in a way which make it works
> Ø To organize a new delivery of release 00.08.00
> Looking forward to receiving your feedback and time line for a redelivery.
> Best regards,
> Olivier ISOARD
> Projets Informatiques
> _________________
> Office des publications de l'Union européenne
> Direction A – Core Business Services
> Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques
> 2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
> Tel: +352 292942360 • Fax: +352 292944604
> olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu
> http://publications.europa.eu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bert Van Nuffelen [mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 9:43 AM
> To: ISOARD Olivier (OP)
> Cc: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); HOHN Norbert
> (OP); BOUSSERT Philippe (OP); ZADRA Julien (OP-EXT); MEYER André (OP-EXT)
> Subject: Re: ODP Release 00.08.00 - Installation issues!
> Hi Olivier,
> For the next topics:
>> 2. The twitter feed on the home still does not work (nothing
>> displayed
>> – see attachment 1)
> We are in the dark here at the moment. Could it be that there is some
> internal policy w.r.t. twitter feeds we are unaware of?
>> 3. The CKAN is still the old GUI (see attachment 2)
> For this we suggest to rerun the steps in 8.6. The image you have
> sent before was indicating they were executed. Now the indication is
> that they are not executed.
> If necessary, we can discuss it over the phone.
> I have created a gotomeeting session to discuss eventually the topics
> from 14.00-16.00.
> kind regards,
> Bert
> 1. Please join my meeting.
> https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/560575865
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>> Waiting for feedback from you.
>> Regards,
>> Olivier ISOARD
>> Projets Informatiques
>> _________________
>> Office des publications de l'Union européenne
>> Direction A – Core Business Services
>> Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques
>> 2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
>> Tel: +352 292942360 • Fax: +352 292944604
>> olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu
>> http://publications.europa.eu
>> From: ISOARD Olivier (OP)
>> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 8:19 AM
>> To: 'Bert Van Nuffelen'
>> Cc: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); HOHN
>> Norbert
>> (OP); BOUSSERT Philippe (OP); ZADRA Julien (OP-EXT); MEYER André (OP-EXT)
>> Subject: RE: ODP Release 00.08.00 - Installation issues!
>> Importance: High
>> Good morning Bert,
>> The installation is a bit better but still problematic. Several problems
>> remains:
>> 1. Access to Drupal admin is gone. Our OP account has probably been
>> overwritten by the install. Please clarify
>> 2. The twitter feed on the home does not work (nothing displayed –
>> see
>> attachment 1)
>> 3. The CKAN is still empty (See attachment 2)
>> Looking forward to receiving assistance (again)
>> Best regards,
>> Olivier ISOARD
>> Projets Informatiques
>> _________________
>> Office des publications de l'Union européenne
>> Direction A – Core Business Services
>> Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques
>> 2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
>> Tel: +352 292942360 • Fax: +352 292944604
>> olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu
>> http://publications.europa.eu
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: MEYER André (OP-EXT)
>> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 3:19 PM
>> To: 'Bert Van Nuffelen'
>> Cc: ISOARD Olivier (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ZAJAC
>> Agnieszka (OP); HOHN Norbert (OP); BOUSSERT Philippe (OP); ZADRA Julien
>> (OP-EXT)
>> Subject: RE: ODP Release 00.08.00 - Installation issues!
>> Hello Bert,
>> I tried to use said file by just adjusting our hostnames, but the file is
>> not functional as it contains typos due to lack of verification similar to
>> the documentation. Here an example directly from the file form the SVN:
>> WSGIScriptAlias /data
>> /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/ckan/lib/ecodp/wsgi.py
>> Note thh space after /data, this essentially breaks the configuration to
>> the
>> extent that apache won't even start. So I refrained from taking your file
>> and used our old conf file and adapted the 3 lines mentioned in the doc
>> and
>> adjusted those accordingly.
>> I now erased all open-data references and indeed it seems to work. You
>> should either provide a working conf file, or complete the documentation
>> to
>> include the lines that have to be changed as the 3 lines in the doc are
>> clearly not sufficient.
>> Kind regards,
>> ________________________________________________
>> Andre Meyer
>> Halian Luxembourg
>> Infrastructures/Exploitation/Systèmes Ouverts de production
>> Integration Engineer
>> ________________________________________________
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bert Van Nuffelen [mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com]
>> Sent: 15 March, 2013 3:10 PM
>> To: MEYER André (OP-EXT)
>> Cc: ISOARD Olivier (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ZAJAC
>> Agnieszka (OP); HOHN Norbert (OP)
>> Subject: Re: ODP Release 00.08.00 - Installation issues!
>> Hi André,
>> As you see also in this configuration there are many references to
>> /open-data/ in it.
>> Can you update the rules by removing the /open-data/ to obtain the rules
>> as
>> documented in
>> https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/publications/svn/ODP/trunk/patches/00.08.00/httpd.ecodp.conf
>> The rules in this file are the target result.
>> Bert
>> 2013/3/15 MEYER André (OP-EXT) <Andre.MEYER at ext.publications.europa.eu>:
>>> Hello Bert,
>>> Here is our ecodp.conf edited according to the documentation:
>>> #Loading WSGI modules required by CKAN LoadModule wsgi_module
>>> modules/mod_wsgi.so WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi
>>> <VirtualHost *:8008>
>>> DocumentRoot /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/drupal
>>> ServerName publications.europa.eu
>>> ServerAlias SERVER_TEMPLATE localhost
>>> DirectoryIndex index.phtml index.html index.php index.htm
>>> #The following rules apply to CKAN.
>>> #Validate possible move to BigIP
>>> RewriteEngine on
>>> # RewriteRule ^/open-data/(..)/data($|/(.*))$ /open-data/data/$1/$3
>>> [L,QSA,PT]
>>> RewriteRule ^/(..)/data($|/(.*))$ /data/$1/$3 [L,QSA,PT]
>>> # Open up the action and data apis as they are required
>>> # for the ckanext-qa and ckanext-datastorer extensions,
>>> # both of which don't allow access to resources requiring
>>> # authentication.
>>> <Location /open-data/data/api/action>
>>> allow from all
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Satisfy Any
>>> </Location>
>>> <Location /open-data/data/api/data>
>>> allow from all
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Satisfy Any
>>> </Location>
>>> <Directory /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/ckan/lib/ecodp/static>
>>> allow from all
>>> </Directory>
>>> Alias /open-data/data/dump
>>> /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/ckan/lib/ecodp/static/dump
>>> <Location /open-data/dump>
>>> SetHandler None
>>> Options +Indexes
>>> </Location>
>>> # this is CKAN app
>>> WSGIScriptAlias /open-data/data
>>> /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/ckan/lib/ecodp/wsgi.py
>>> WSGIDaemonProcess ecodp display-name=ecodp processes=4 threads=15
>>> maximum-requests=2000
>>> WSGIProcessGroup ecodp
>>> # pass authorization info on (needed for rest api)
>>> WSGIPassAuthorization On
>>> #Drupal configuration
>>> <Directory /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/drupal>
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>>> AllowOverride All
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> allow from all
>>> </Directory>
>>> <Directory /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/uploads>
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>>> IndexOptions SuppressIcon
>>> AllowOverride All
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> allow from all
>>> </Directory>
>>> Alias /open-data/data/uploads
>>> /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/uploads
>>> <Directory /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/files>
>>> Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>>> IndexOptions SuppressIcon
>>> AllowOverride All
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> allow from all
>>> </Directory>
>>> Alias /open-data/files /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/files
>>> #Applications configuration
>>> <Directory /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/cubeviz>
>>> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>>> AllowOverride All
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> Allow from all
>>> </Directory>
>>> Alias /open-data/apps/cubeviz
>>> /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/cubeviz
>>> Alias /open-data/apps/semmap
>>> /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/www/semmap
>>> ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/ecodp.error.log
>>> CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ecodp.custom.log combined
>>> <Proxy *>
>>> Order allow,deny
>>> allow from all
>>> </Proxy>
>>> #Virtuoso endpoint
>>> # ProxyPass /open-data/sparql
>>> http://opsrv526.opoce.cec.eu.int:8890/sparql retry=0
>>> # ProxyPassReverse /open-data/sparql
>>> http://opsrv526.opoce.cec.eu.int:8890/sparql
>>> # ProxyPassReverse sparql
>>> http://opsrv526.opoce.cec.eu.int:8890/sparql
>>> retry=0
>>> RewriteRule ^/(..)/sparqlep$ /sparqlep [L,QSA,PT]
>>> ProxyPass /sparqlep http://opsrv526:8890/sparql retry=0
>>> ProxyPassReverse /sparqlep http://opsrv526:8890/sparql
>>> </VirtualHost>
>>> Best regards,
>>> ________________________________________________
>>> Andre Meyer
>>> Halian Luxembourg
>>> Infrastructures/Exploitation/Systèmes Ouverts de production
>>> Integration Engineer ________________________________________________
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Bert Van Nuffelen [mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com]
>>> Sent: 15 March, 2013 12:29 PM
>>> To: ISOARD Olivier (OP)
>>> Cc: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; MEYER André (OP-EXT); ZAJAC
>>> Agnieszka (OP); HOHN Norbert (OP)
>>> Subject: Re: ODP Release 00.08.00 - Installation issues!
>>> Hi Olivier and André,
>>> can you check the the httpd configuration?
>>> We believe from the first feedback on the installation manual that the
>>> issue has to do with the step 2 in section 8.2.3.
>>> The step should be interpreted as removing all references to the
>>> /open-data/ (as done in the example httpd.ecodp.conf document) in your
>>> local
>>> setup of httpd.
>>> The note on the change of the 2 lines on the Virtuoso sparql endpoint are
>>> not related to the /open-data/ change of the rules but are additional
>>> changes in the forwarding rules of the portal. For that reason they are
>>> explicitely mentioned in the document.
>>> kind regards,
>>> Bert
>>> 2013/3/15 Bert Van Nuffelen <bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>:
>>>> Hi Olivier,
>>>> We find the image 1 strange: it shows you have followed the
>>>> instructions of installation of CKAN.
>>>> We are looking to it.
>>>> On the url: It is now language aware to support the 23 languages in the
>>>> future.
>>>> Bert
>>>> 2013/3/15 ISOARD Olivier (OP) <Olivier.ISOARD at publications.europa.eu>:
>>>>> Hi Bert,
>>>>> This fixed the interface problem, but now the other problems remain:
>>>>> Ø The site still shows 0 datasets (see attached new 2 screenshots)
>>>>> What about messing up the URL on the frontpage to show the number of
>>>>> datasets. If you click on the "0 datasets" link, it refers to
>>>>> http://opsrv525/en/data/dataset which clearly is wrong as it should
>>>>> be http://opsrv525/data/dataset ...
>>>>> Ø Drupal no longer accepts our admin credentials (lost with the
>>>>> upgrade ?)
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Olivier ISOARD
>>>>> Projets Informatiques
>>>>> _________________
>>>>> Office des publications de l'Union européenne Direction A - Core
>>>>> Business Services Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques
>>>>> 2985 Luxembourg . LUXEMBOURG
>>>>> Tel: +352 292942360 . Fax: +352 292944604
>>>>> olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu
>>>>> http://publications.europa.eu
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Bert Van Nuffelen [mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com]
>>>>> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:30 AM
>>>>> To: ISOARD Olivier (OP)
>>>>> Cc: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; MEYER André (OP-EXT);
>>>>> ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); HOHN Norbert (OP)
>>>>> Subject: Re: ODP Release 00.08.00 - Installation issues!
>>>>> Hi Olivier,
>>>>> From the screenshots we expect that the issue is with step
>>>>> Configuration of the base_url
>>>>> Update the drupal configuration settings in the file
>>>>> $USERHOME/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php, line 271 to be.
>>>>> $base_url = 'http://open-data.europa.eu'; // NO trailing slash!
>>>>> It should be
>>>>> Update the drupal configuration settings in the file
>>>>> $USERHOME/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php, line 271 to be
>>>>> on the test system:
>>>>> $base_url = 'http://$FRONTEND'; // NO trailing slash!
>>>>> in case of installing on the production system you have to consider
>>>>> to
>>>>> change it to
>>>>> $base_url = 'http://open-data.europa.eu'; // NO trailing slash!
>>>>> if the reverse proxing does not retranslate them properly.
>>>>> Afterwards if you test the system ensure that your browser cache is
>>>>> empty.
>>>>> kind regards,
>>>>> Bert
>>>>> 2013/3/15 ISOARD Olivier (OP) <Olivier.ISOARD at publications.europa.eu>:
>>>>>> Good morning Bert,
>>>>>> We tried to install the new release yesterday (using the "upgrade"
>>>>>> instructions - Chapter 8) and we again faced difficulties and
>>>>>> troubles:
>>>>>> 1. The installation document still contains several errors.
>>>>>> Please
>>>>>> have a look at the attached updated version of the install doc
>>>>>> including:
>>>>>> a. Comments on missing information (see yellow highlighting)
>>>>>> b. Error/misleads in the instructions (see track changes)
>>>>>> c. Screenshots in the doc are still old GUI which may lead also
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> misunderstanding for integrators.
>>>>>> 2. Even by fixing these wrong instructions and trying to
>>>>>> complete
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> installation by ourselves, the result we have now is not OK
>>>>>> a. See few attached screenshots of our new test env, upgraded
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> 00.08.00
>>>>>> b. By having a look at the source code of the displayed web
>>>>>> pages,
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> appears quite clearly that we have a problem with URLs. Actually
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> references to CSS, Javascripts, video.in HTMS are still pointing to
>>>>>> production env, which of course does not contain new release code yet.
>>>>>> So, please have a look and come back to us with guidance if there
>>>>>> is any way
>>>>>> for fixing the install without redelivery of any part (for
>>>>>> URL/hostname fix
>>>>>> for ex). Otherwise, we will have to reject it formally.
>>>>>> Looking forward to receiving your feedback .
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Olivier ISOARD
>>>>>> Projets Informatiques
>>>>>> _________________
>>>>>> Office des publications de l'Union européenne
>>>>>> Direction A - Core Business Services
>>>>>> Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques
>>>>>> 2985 Luxembourg . LUXEMBOURG
>>>>>> Tel: +352 292942360 . Fax: +352 292944604
>>>>>> olivier.isoard at publications.europa.eu
>>>>>> http://publications.europa.eu
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Bert Van Nuffelen [mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:57 PM
>>>>>> To: ISOARD Olivier (OP); MEYER André (OP-EXT); ZAJAC Agnieszka
>>>>>> (OP); HOHN
>>>>>> Norbert (OP)
>>>>>> Cc: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project
>>>>>> Subject: EU ODP 00.08.00 - Signed delivery note and release note
>>>>>> Dear,
>>>>>> We finalized the delivery of EU ODP release 00.08.00. It has been
>>>>>> delivered to the Publications Office SVN.
>>>>>> In the svn you find the updated trunk containing the updated
>>>>>> documents, binary software and the sources.
>>>>>> In the deliveries you find 2 versions of the zip
>>>>>> * delivery_00.08.00.zip -- the complete trunk -- unpacked
>>>>>> 1.4GB
>>>>>> https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/publications/svn/ODP/deliveries/delive
>>>>>> r
>>>>>> y_00.08.00.zip
>>>>>> * delivery_00.08.00-min.zip -- a selection of the trunk
>>>>>> containing only the necessary components
>>>>>> https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/publications/svn/ODP/deliveries/delive
>>>>>> r
>>>>>> y_00.08.00-minimal.zip
>>>>>> The deliveries & tag are available with the svn revision number 262.
>>>>>> The updated documents can be found also in
>>>>>> https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/publications/svn/ODP/trunk/documentation.
>>>>>> In attachment you find a signed delivery note and a release note.
>>>>>> Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or remarks.
>>>>>> Let me (and the rest of the Contractor's team) thank you for the
>>>>>> excellent input from the PO team and the constructive collaboration
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> the new GUI.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Bert Van Nuffelen.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Bert Van Nuffelen
>>>>>> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce
>>>>>> www.tenforce.be
>>>>>> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
>>>>>> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
>>>>>> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
>>>>>> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
>>>>> --
>>>>> Bert Van Nuffelen
>>>>> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce
>>>>> www.tenforce.be
>>>>> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
>>>>> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
>>>>> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
>>>>> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
>>>> --
>>>> Bert Van Nuffelen
>>>> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce www.tenforce.be
>>>> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
>>>> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
>>>> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
>>>> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
>>> --
>>> Bert Van Nuffelen
>>> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce www.tenforce.be
>>> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
>>> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
>>> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
>>> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
>> --
>> Bert Van Nuffelen
>> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce www.tenforce.be
>> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
>> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
>> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
>> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
> --
> Bert Van Nuffelen
> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce
> www.tenforce.be
> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
Bert Van Nuffelen
Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce
Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
skype: bert.van.nuffelen
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