[ECODP-dev] Package failing to import [release 09]

John Glover john.glover at okfn.org
Tue Sep 3 09:24:36 UTC 2013

Hi Dimitrios,

These logs are a bit confusing as they come from different requests. The
file '2013-09-02_odpfrontend_httpd_ecodp_error.log' has an error from 11:54
on 2013-09-02, but the 'odp_ckan_errors.txt' file contains errors from this
morning. These actually refer to two separate bugs that have since been
fixed in the latest ckanext-ecportal.

The error in '2013-09-02_odpfrontend_httpd_ecodp_error.log' is the same as
the problem that you reported in the email thread 'Import SG package
problem', and is a bug with string encoding in ckanext-ecportal. I'm not
sure that there is anything that can be done to fix this on the PO side
without updating the extension.

The errors in odp_ckan_errors.txt file are from a validation bug in
ckanext-ecportal as it is expecting to find a license_id that is either a
string or a list of strings, and instead you are passing it an empty list
(as you can see in odp_regExp.json). This was discussed in the email thread
'no license causes python exception'. This problem is now fixed, but as a
short-term workaround this validation should pass if you remove the field
entirely when the license is not available.


On 3 September 2013 10:17, Dimitrios Mexis <dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com>wrote:

>  Hello John/David,
> PO tries to import sg.zip package which contains regExp.rdf
> The json attached is from ODP. and the relevant copy of the log file.
> For me, the json fails to be imported and I don't understand the cause.
> The files with dates, are the output from PO as given.
> Regards
> Dimitrios
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