[ECODP-dev] Reseting new database error with vocabularies

Dimitrios Mexis dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com
Mon Sep 9 09:16:21 UTC 2013

Good morning John and thanks for the feed back.

Right now I observe these messages and give me please your feedback 
whether they are ok as messages. We don't have them on the previous 
release :
root at tffvirt-rh-template bin]# ./ckan_reset_db.sh api
2013-09-09 10:45:51,640 INFO  [ckan.model] Database tables dropped
Cleaning DB: SUCCESS
SAWarning: Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index 
**  ret = fn(self, con, *args, **kw)*
SAWarning: Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index 
**  ret = fn(self, con, *args, **kw)**
SAWarning: Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index 
**  ret = fn(self, con, *args, **kw)**
SAWarning: Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index 
**  ret = fn(self, con, *args, **kw)**
SAWarning: Skipped unsupported reflection of expression-based index 
**  ret = fn(self, con, *args, **kw)**
*2013-09-09 10:45:58,134 INFO  [ckan.model] CKAN database version 
upgraded: 0 -> 59
2013-09-09 10:45:59,005 INFO  [ckan.model] Database initialised
Initialising DB: SUCCESS

Also now the whole operation is frozen at this point:
Initialising DB: SUCCESS
Creating the search_query table ...
Creating the search_popular_latest table ...
Creating the search_popular_approved table ...
Creating the search_query_date index ...
2013-09-09 10:46:08,754 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Rebuilding search index...
2013-09-09 10:46:08,757 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Rebuilding the whole 
2013-09-09 10:46:08,814 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Finished rebuilding 
search index.
*2013-09-09 10:46:08,820 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Commited pending 
changes on the search index*

What do you think ?


On 9/09/2013 11:11, John Glover wrote:
> Hi Dimitrios,
> Yes, this command has changed from create- to update- with release 1 
> (as these commands can now be used to update vocabularies as well as 
> creating them). This will be in the release notes / operations manual 
> for this release, for now the items that we have to add are in this 
> document: 
> https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1TGnYuj7GdRswxh0089EO_6Ms8yQRnWrj9OXAIxQJiPo/edit?usp=sharing
> So, you should run:
> paster --plugin=ckanext-ecportal ecportal update-all-vocabs -c <config>
> paster --plugin=ckanext-ecportal ecportal update-publishers <file 
> (optional)> -c <config>
> Regards,
> John
> On 9 September 2013 11:04, Dimitrios Mexis 
> <dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com <mailto:dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com>> 
> wrote:
>     The following in our test environment for release one, fail:
>     paster --plugin=ckan db clean -c $CKAN_INI
>     paster --plugin=ckan db init  -c $CKAN_INI
>     paster --plugin=ckanext-ecportal ecportal create-all-vocabs -c
>     $CKAN_INI
>     please read the following also for your help....
>     Thank you
>     On 6/09/2013 10:33, Dimitrios Mexis wrote:
>>     Hello John/David,
>>     under directory */applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/ckan/bin/*
>>     there is the script :
>>     /applications/ecodp/users/ecodp/ckan/bin/*ckan_reset_db.sh*
>>     which uses the paster commands to reset database and import the
>>     necessary staff.
>>     We get an error. check please the last line. the db is unusable
>>     later. Keep in mind that we reset a database that is already
>>     upgraded.
>>     Initialising DB: SUCCESS
>>     Creating the search_query table ...
>>     done.
>>     Creating the search_popular_latest table ...
>>     done.
>>     Creating the search_popular_approved table ...
>>     done.
>>     Creating the search_query_date index ...
>>     done.
>>     2013-09-06 10:25:50,739 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Rebuilding search
>>     index...
>>     2013-09-06 10:25:50,742 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Rebuilding the
>>     whole index...
>>     2013-09-06 10:25:50,825 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Finished
>>     rebuilding search index.
>>     2013-09-06 10:25:50,832 INFO  [ckan.lib.search] Commited pending
>>     changes on the search index
>>     *2013-09-06 10:25:51,853 ERROR [root] Command "create-all-vocabs"
>>     not recognized* 

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