[epsi-coord] Update Ton on ongoing work

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 21:24:13 BST 2011

hi all,

I am currently in Copenhagen, for some meetings with Danish government
officials, data journalists and others. My day tomorrow is filled with
appointments so I won't be able to make the conference call at 16:30.  I
will be meeting with Cathrine Lippert (Danish ITST), who will be our first
guest blogger on the epsiplatform.eu.

A short update on ongoing work:
Peter Rukavina, whom we approached for the site migration has been
experimenting with a test version of the site to export all existing content
to a Drupal environment. I will be in touch with him in the coming days
again to hear about progress.
Meanwhile I will keep working on defining the new site.

A first version of the narrative database framework should be ready for your
feedback later this week. And then it can be send to Cognitive Edge in
Singapore so they can turn it into a capturing site (=survey page).

News gathering is of course ongoing, and will continue. At the request of
Juan I have added a banner to the front page for the SharePSI workshop in
Brussels in May.

E-mail addresses (ton at epsiplatform.eu are still not working. Somehow the
e-mail settings are not available to us. Discussion with Luc Chase of the
former team ongoing.  He's been fully helpful on other requests)

I will be in touch with Daniel on collecting sources.

Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu

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