[epsi-coord] Ares(2011)466363::RE, EPSI TOPIC REPORT 28
Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu
Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu
Fri Apr 29 10:54:22 BST 2011
Ares(2011)466363::RE, EPSI TOPIC REPORT 28
Dear Ton,
please find enclosed my reactions to your long list of questions/emails:
a. List of Topic Reports:
1. A comparison on the directive review of 2008, with the directive review of 2010. OK. Comments of the first draft below
2. A report about the relationship between access to government information as a fundamental right and re-use. Not a priority.
3. State of Play about a country we hardly hear anything about (i.e. Eastern European countries, Ireland, Belgium, Portugal). OK for Belgium, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria & Portugal.
4. OGD/re-use and privacy issues ? the relationship between the PSI directive and the directive on the processing of personal data. ok
5. Impact of PSI on government service models. Where does Open Data significantly reduce cost in government processes? Finding some case-studies or building a business case. This more eGov. Not a priority
6. Data journalism as a driving force of PSI/reuse. Identifying centres of data journalism (other then the ever present Guardian). ok
7. Copyright & PSI. Review of which member states have copyright exemptions for (certain kinds of) government documents/datasets. LAPSI should be looking into this.
8. An analysis of the data gathered within the narrative database. OK for March 2012
9. The impact of public-private partnerships on PSI (since private entities don't necessarily have an interest in making collected data available for reuse) & Case studies: PSI impact on public-private partnerships (where is PSI a prerequisite for public-private partnerships, are there situations in which data only becomes valuable after being combined with private data). OK only if you have something interesting to say
10. May I suggest "How much money Public Bodies generate form selling the data in Europe" Ideally for September at the latest.
b) PSI Scoreboard.
Thanks for your proposal, but I prefer that we split it into 2 bits:
a) Legislative (Max 50 points)
- PSI Directive Transposed (x points)
- Licensing policy- if it facilitates re-use (x points)
- Charging, if marginal (x points) if cost recovery (y points)
- Formats (x points)
b) Non Legislative (50 points)
- Raise awareness actions
- National PSI Policy
- data portal ( national, regional, local)
- Apps Competitions/ HACK DAYS
I enclose a very brief first draft for your development and ideas
c) Comment on the TR 1- A comparison on the directive review of 2008, with the directive review of 2010.
I regret tom inform you that this TR is rejected. Please find my remarks:
- On substance the TR hardly provides any added value on the results and outcomes of both consultations, there is hardly any qualitative issue developed in detail, and provides a personal view on why things are changing in the field, and this is not the subject of the TR. Please redraft and look and report on the different results in different aspects on both reviews.
- On format. Please structure the report in a more professional/academic way, provide background, issue to be dealt with, and conclusion. Please be reminded that TR are read largely by the stakeholder community and they have to be solid, robust and thorough. And besides it is an important deliverable of the contract. Please do also change the tone and language of the reports. This one was far too easy going, familiar and too cordial. More academic language please. Finally please have all Topic Reports English language read proof by a native speaker.
From: Tom Kronenburg [mailto:tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl]
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 11:51 AM
Cc: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org
Dear Juan,
Hereby you receive the first EPSI Topic Report of the new team. We would like your OK before publishing it to the platform. I can make final adjustments if you so like.
Kind regards, Tom
Tom Kronenburg
Zenc | Focus op oplossingen
Alexanderstraat 18
2514 JM Den Haag
KvK: 27190312
Tel: +31 70 3626944 of +31 6 55778353
Fax: +31 70 3921835
tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl
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