[epsi-coord] case summary Easystart
Katleen Janssen
Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be
Tue Aug 16 19:02:35 BST 2011
Dag Marc,
Interessante zaak - niet veel inhoudelijks aan toe te voegen, alleen wat tikfouten e.d. eruit gehaald.
From: Marc de Vries [mailto:info at devriesmarc.nl]
Sent: woensdag 10 augustus 2011 14:11
To: Katleen Janssen; 'Hans Graux'
Cc: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org
Subject: case summary Easystart
Dear Katleen, dear Hans,
Please find attached my case summary of the Easystart case, whereby the Dutch Chambers of Commerce were held to infringe a specific article on the Act of the Chambers of Commerce which forbids them to distort competition. I also attach the full text.
The case is interesting as it demarcates the public task, which can be transposed to the PSI Directive issues hereon.
I would appreciate eventual comments, although I realize the case was rendered under Dutch law.
Reg. M.
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