[epsi-coord] FW: PSI platform - Advisory board meeting agenda
Katleen Janssen
Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be
Tue Aug 23 19:49:24 BST 2011
Hi all,
Paul Uhlir wants to know how the advisory board went. As I was not there myself, can anyone give him a short update?
Best regards,
From: Uhlir, Paul [mailto:PUhlir at nas.edu]
Sent: dinsdag 23 augustus 2011 20:45
To: Katleen Janssen
Subject: RE: PSI platform - Advisory board meeting agenda
Hi Katleen,
How did this meeting
From: Katleen Janssen [Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 11:40 AM
To: Natasa.Pirc at ip-rs.si; rolf.nordqvist at bisnode.com; contactprimet at btinternet.com
Cc: Uhlir, Paul; Marco Ricolfi
Subject: PSI platform - Advisory board meeting agenda
Dear member of the advisory board,
We look forward to seeing you next week at our first meeting! In order to make full use of the time, we have planned the following agenda.
In order to start off the discussions, we would like you to present yourself and your experience with regard to PSI, and to give a 5 minute overview of how you see the re-use world in 10 years time, concentrating on what will be solved by then and what will remain unsolved, and what new issues might have arisen. There is no need to prepare a text or powerpoint presentation for this, you can just give us your thoughts on the matter as a first entry point to the next topics.
Introduction of participants
introduction of PSIplatform and objectives
Brainstorm: priorities for the future, blind spots, trends we're missing
How to involve and link the different communities?
coffee break
practical question: what is missing on the website? Communication channels?
practical question: topic reports + possible sources/contacts
practical question: how to organise awards, who to involve, how to disseminate?
practical question: who to target for conference, speakers + participants, workshops?
round-up, future planning and close of the meeting
If you have any other questions with regard to the content or logistics of the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Best regards,
dr. Katleen Janssen
Postdoctoral researcher
K.U.Leuven - Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT
Sint-Michielsstraat 6
[t] +32 16 328 707 [f] : + 32 16 325 438
[e] katleen.janssen at law.kuleuven.be<mailto:katleen.janssen at law.kuleuven.be>
[w] www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/icri/<http://www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/icri/> - www.ibbt.be<http://www.ibbt.be>
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