[epsi-coord] update chat I had with Ton + integration with action list 30/1/12

Katleen Janssen Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be
Wed Feb 1 14:02:07 GMT 2012

Sounds good! Maybe also emphasize that we are not only looking towards the more 'estalbished' trailblazers, but also 'beginners' who may not have created something fully functioning yet, but who have promising concepts/demos, etc?

From: epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Hans Graux
Sent: woensdag 1 februari 2012 14:57
To: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [epsi-coord] update chat I had with Ton + integration with action list 30/1/12

Hi all,

As agreed, I've tried to come up with a convincing pitch of the trailblazer idea we discussed in the CC on Monday as an alternative to the awards. I'd be very grateful if you could have a quick look to see if it sounds convincing to you. If it's OK, we need to send it to Juan ASAP to get his blessing.



For our first major conference, we've tried to come up with a more creative alternative to the awards proposal from our offer, as we've noted a clear degree of 'award fatigue' and a growing indifference towards the general concept in the PSI community. We wanted our alternative to retain the element of public recognition that an award would aim to provide (to ensure also that we still satisfy the terms of our offer), but also to make it more concrete, valuable and useful to the recipients. As a result, we came up with the concept of EPSI Trailblazers.

The basic idea is that we choose a number of PSI reuse innovators ('trailblazers'), who've done something new and exciting in the last year or so. Criteria for selection would include economic impact (in terms of cost savings, new revenue created, or new business models), socio-political impact, actual uptake by the public, effective collaboration between public and private sector, etc. These Trailblazers would be asked to give a five minute presentation at the EPSI conference to explain what they've done and why this is innovative.

However - and this is where the concept is different from a simple award - they would also be asked to explain in a few minutes what they need to move their initiative forward, and to do even better things with it. This can be as straightforward as getting new seed funding, but may also involve more pragmatic things: help in liaising with other governments, finding new programmers/hackers to help build technical improvements, organizing brainstorming sessions to identify new application areas, identifying new relevant data sets, getting legal assistance, etc. The EPSI team would then try to help them achieve this objective by providing funding or material assistance (e.g. through the 'Ask an Expert'-service). The goal would thus not be to just hand out another award, but to actually help the recipients.

We feel that this would be an innovative approach that would meet the requirements of the offer (providing recognition through the EPSI trailblazer label), but that would also have a much more pragmatic impact on the recipients: they can present their needs, and we can try to help them in building better services. Obviously, it has the clear additional benefit of being a good promotion of the positive impact of the EPSI platform and the EU's PSI initiatives in general, and would help us highlight the platform and its services further.

Van: epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org<mailto:epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org> [mailto:epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org<mailto:epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org>] Namens Marc de Vries
Verzonden: dinsdag 31 januari 2012 21:37
Aan: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org<mailto:epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org>
Onderwerp: [epsi-coord] update chat I had with Ton + integration with action list 30/1/12

Dear all,

Unfortunately, Ton can not make the CC on Friday. As this only works, when we are all there, we will drop that one and have our regular one on Monday. Please make sure you are all there.

Furthermore, hereby a list of additional points discussed with Ton, added to the action list that I drew up on the basis of yesterday's conference call.

Reg. M.

+++++++++++ actions CC 30 January +++++++++++++++

AB + SE meeting - Katleen

1.       AB: Piric, Ricolfi, Uhlir, Rolf, Pettifer:  emails sent out to today by Katleen

2.       SE: Knyrim, Donker, Parsons, Futter, Steinberg, Taggert: Katleen will send out emails

3.       10 hotel nights + most will claim travel costs, check with Tom

4.       Dinner after will be organized

5.       Hotel: Marc will pass on suggestions to Katleen

6.       Meeting room

Awards - Katleen

1.       Katleen will come up with some ideas how to cater for the awards

2.       We will suggest to EC that we drop it and do something else, more appealing

3.       Hans: trial blazer pitch: allow high potentials to give a presentation, also to seek funding

4.       Call for trial blazers: to be launched, in combination with Ask an Expert Service + some seed funding

5.       Ton needs to communicate this to the EC, ask approval asap


1.       Tom and Marc - 3 February meeting on follow up towards sponsors

2.       Invitation letter - Daniel will draft a draft

3.       Marc will insert sheet in planning document with names and themes

4.       By Friday afternoon we will need to finalize that list and send out invitations (first wave)

5.       Sponsor management:

a.       Confirmation letter

b.      Instructions what to get from them and how to organize this

c.       Follow up actions

6.       Marketing management: we will deal with that on Friday - Daniel will draft something on the basis of Sponsor document

Other issues

1.       Cases - Marc will check the postcodes case

2.       TRs

a.       There is one draft on the new Directive - Katleen, please add some national developments

b.      Spending data + budget data - Ton has been drafting some, we are 2 behind

c.       Ton needs to ask approval from the EC

3.       News items - seems to be slowing down

4.       Mission meetings

a.       Daniel: Open parliamentary data Paris, Open data congres in CZ, Open data meeting in Barcelona

b.      Marc: Madrid 16/2, Marc will attend

c.       Ton to Washington

5.       PSI scoreboard - 1 March life

6.       Progress Report - Ton needs to check status

7.       Narrative database - status?

8.       Fact sheets - needs to be finished urgently, and need to be reallocated

9.       Management:

a.       We are running behind and we are getting into the same problems as last summer

b.      Each member needs to take its responsibility

c.       Tom - planning, performance and monitoring and control cycle to be put in place, on line

d.      Tom - to deal with all admin issues
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