[epsi-coord] Today

Katleen Janssen Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be
Mon Jun 4 15:34:17 BST 2012

Anybody else around for the conf call?

-----Original Message-----
From: epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Dietrich
Sent: maandag 4 juni 2012 16:20
To: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org
Cc: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [epsi-coord] Today

Dear all,

I am strugeling with bad internet connection while traveling back from a workshop with German officials about the proposed amendments to the PSI Directive. Kind of intersting debate. Will try but not sure if I can make our call later today. 

However the two TRs (data wrangling &. visualisation) are ready in the dropbox. Can someone send them to Juan, now that Ton is on holidays?

For the sectorial workshop at OKFest: I have now invited all stakeholders currently in the list. This is a bunch of interesting people. However I think we need to improve the list by adding some more key players. 

For the rest of the week I will do the newsshift. 

All best


Sent from brain-computer interface. 

On 04.06.2012, at 10:51, Tom Kronenburg <tom.kronenburg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all, totally forgot to mention, i will not be present at the call this afternoon. A wedding party i had this weekend was in italy, and i will only return later this week. Have a good call! 
> Kind regards, Tom
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