[epsi-coord] Fwd: ePSIplatform Conference speakers information, track K: "Local Data, Local Problems"
Daniel Dietrich
danieldietrich at me.com
Thu Mar 15 09:42:32 GMT 2012
Sent from brain computer interface.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Lorenzo Benussi <lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org>
> Date: 14. März 2012 23:49:44 MEZ
> To: sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
> Cc: Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org>
> Subject: Re: ePSIplatform Conference speakers information, track K: "Local Data, Local Problems"
> dear all, here you can find my presentation
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5590551/Benussi_epsiplatform_2012.pdf
> see you tomorrow
> bests
> lorenzo
> Il giorno 14/mar/2012, alle ore 19:17, Sebastiaan ter Burg ha scritto:
>> Hi Lorenzo,
>> no problem. Could you send them to Daniel Dittrich too? His e-mail aderess is daniel.dietrich at okfn.org.
>> Best,
>> Sebastiaan
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Lorenzo Benussi <lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org> wrote:
>> Dear sebastiaan, I am traveling and I can send the prezo later but before 11,50
>> Thank you
>> Bests
>> Lorenzo Benussi on iPhone
>> Il giorno 14/mar/2012, alle ore 18:42, Sebastiaan ter Burg <sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl> ha scritto:
>>> Hi Lorenzo,
>>> can we still expect slides? Or are you going to talk without slides?
>>> Best,
>>> Sebastiaan
>>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Sebastiaan ter Burg <sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl> wrote:
>>> Hi Lorenzo,
>>> thank you for the abstract!
>>> One thing that really triggers me and sets your talk apart form the others is the link to other levels, higher and lower. If I understand you correct you are pleading for the creation and adaptation of international standards for publishing data on every thinkable level, wether this is hyperlocal, regional, national, etc. Very much in line with the 5 stars of linked open data. This raises the question which obstacles you've encountered working to this high level network preserving local autonomy, and which solutions you have or haven't found for those obstacles. Are these problems and solutions technical, political, etc? I'm also curios why you mention a national ecosystem: why not international (european, intercontinental)?
>>> Could you send me your slides today? The organizers of the conference want to gather all slides before 23:59 tonight.
>>> Best,
>>> Sebastiaan
>>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 9:27 PM, Lorenzo Benussi <lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org> wrote:
>>> Dear, Sebastiaan you can find below a short abstract of my talk I hope it is in line with the general topic and others contributions.
>>> Please contact me for any needs.
>>> Bests, lorenzo
>>> --------------
>>> The value of the open data depends on how many people use them or more precisely on how many problems we are able to solve with them. Local communities seem to be the right place to imagine and design new uses of open data because problems are practical and well known, solutions impact everyday life and citizens and developers have direct incentives to participate. But most of the time local data needs to be integrated and linked with others information coming from the regional, national or European level to multiply their value for example to make comparisons, benchmarking and to eventually scale-up. Even if applications of data are local, they should be integrated in a high level network. Therefore it is necessary to design a framework that preserving local autonomy makes easy to access the stack of all data available. It can be based on a central hub, or index, that tracks all changes in the nodes below and maps the knowledge-base available without imposing strong standardization or expensive data management. Networks of competition (apps4) and events (hackaton) are others useful tools to empower that network. The final goal is building a national ecosystem for open data able to maximize the value of local projects in a broader perspective.
>>> During the talk I am going to explain and share my experiences with the open data process in Italy at different levels: 1) super local: the open data laboratory with citizens and developers of the small town of Settimo Torinese), 2) local level: the process of liberating the data in the cities of Florence and Milan, 3) regional level: the open data process of Piedmont Region and 4) national level: the process of making the data of the Minister of Education open. The discussion aims to analyze pros and cons of each layer and to highlight differences in approaches, problems and results.
>>> -----------------
>>> Il giorno 12/mar/2012, alle ore 13:15, Sebastiaan ter Burg ha scritto:
>>>> Hi Lorenzo,
>>>> perfect, I've send you a request to connect via Skype.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Sebastiaan
>>>> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Lorenzo Benussi <lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear Sebastiaa and all, it's a pleasure to meet you and I'm looking to take part in the panel.
>>>> I will present a short presentation (10 minutes or less) and I'm happy to interact with the audience too. I think the informal way is the most profitable.
>>>> I will send you the presentation asap and I could be available on skype tomorrow (but I will be traveling on train so I'm not sure about the connectivity) or the 15th in the morning.
>>>> I will send a short abstract of my talk tomorrow.
>>>> Please don't hesitate to contact me for any question.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Bests,
>>>> Lorenzo
>>>> (my cellphone number is 335 5383073 and my skype ID is lorenzo_ben)
>>>> Il giorno 12/mar/2012, alle ore 09:43, Sebastiaan ter Burg ha scritto:
>>>>> Dear Léon, Claire, Lorenzo and Ina,
>>>>> In my capacity of moderator of Track K: “Local Data, local problems”, I would be very pleased to have a chat allowing us to plan and organize things. In preparation thereof, please allow me to provide you with some more details on the program, the structure and our roles within our Track.
>>>>> The structure and set up
>>>>> The Conference consists of 3 plenary sessions and 3 parallel sessions, each subdivided in 4 Tracks (one of them being ‘ours’). In the Program attached, you will see how these are planned over time. We can expect an average crowd of around 75 people for our Track. The room our Track will be in, will be communicated in the morning of the Conference (all rooms are close and connected by the foyer, where all breaks take place) by the ePSI team.
>>>>> Who is in our Track?
>>>>> In our Track the following persons will contribute (I also put in your and my contact details, so we can all contact each other):
>>>>> Leon Gommans (Hogeschool Rotterdam)
>>>>> Leon Gommans, l.f.b.gommans at hr.nl, http://nl.linkedin.com/in/leongommans
>>>>> Claire Gallon (Libertic, Nantes)
>>>>> Claire Gallon, claire.libertic at gmail.com, http://fr.linkedin.com/in/claire44
>>>>> Lorenzo Benussi (TOPIX, Piemonte)
>>>>> Lorenzo Benussi, lorenzo.benussi at top-ix.org, http://it.linkedin.com/in/lorenzobenussi
>>>>> Ina Schieferdecker (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin Open Data)
>>>>> Ina Schieferdecker, ina.schieferdecker at fokus.fraunhofer.de, http://de.linkedin.com/pub/ina-schieferdecker/1/84/785
>>>>> Role of the moderator and speakers
>>>>> My idea is that I will introduce our Track, by introducing the theme and the speakers. Since the conference aims to have a highly interactive character, it would be good if you could keep your presentation relatively short (around 10 minutes, but we can fine tune this on the basis of your needs) leaving room and time for debates with the crowd. At the end of the Track, I will try to wrap up the 3-5 main conclusions and I will feed them to the ePSI team, in view of the closing plenary session, where they will be presenting them (including those of the other 11 Tracks, so it may be a selection) during the closing plenary.
>>>>> Logistics
>>>>> The room our Track will be in, will be communicated in the morning of the Conference (all rooms are close and connected by the foyer, where all breaks take place). There will be a PC, beamer and screen, and 2 microphones (one for us and one to be used by the crowd for discussions – we will have a student designated to our Track, who will be walking around with the microphone). Also, if needed, there is technical support around the corner. As the ePSI team would like to publish all presentations I would be grateful if you could email me your presentation ultimately by the 13th of March, so two days before the conference starts. To be on the safe side, please make sure, You also have a copy available (e.g. on a stick or on-line).
>>>>> Shaking hands
>>>>> Where most of the speakers and moderators will arrive the day before, the ePSI team is inviting us for an evening before dinner (where, obviously, the ePSI team will be picking up the bill). Details hereon will communicated later this week. Obviously, this will provide an excellent opportunity to shake hands and get to know each other before the conference. In case we do not manage to meet then, there is also a speakers room available at the conference premises, allowing us to sit down before the conference starts (the registration starts at 9.00 and the first plenary at 9.30), and the doors are open as of 8.30, so this would give us an hour to meet up.
>>>>> Getting things organized
>>>>> I would very much appreciate to have a chat and to exchange views on how we would like to further fine tune our Track, also minimizing the risk of overlaps with other speakers. I would like to discuss the main message of your talk, the form and length of your presentation and some practical details (Do you want hand outs to be printed? Are you using slides? If so,please send them or publish them online before the 12th of March 23:59).
>>>>> We could do this by e-mail or Skype. If Skype is ok with you: could you please let me know what day and time would suit you and send me your skype user name?
>>>>> I am very much looking forward to talk to you.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Sebastiaan ter Burg
>>>>> sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
>>>>> +31 6 480 88 615
>>>>> skype: ter-burg
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sebastiaan ter Burg
>>>>> Wittevrouwensingel 27b
>>>>> 3581 GC Utrecht
>>>>> +31 6 480 88 615
>>>>> sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
>>>>> www.ter-burg.nl
>>>> --
>>>> Sebastiaan ter Burg
>>>> Wittevrouwensingel 27b
>>>> 3581 GC Utrecht
>>>> +31 6 480 88 615
>>>> sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
>>>> www.ter-burg.nl
>>> --
>>> Sebastiaan ter Burg
>>> Wittevrouwensingel 27b
>>> 3581 GC Utrecht
>>> +31 6 480 88 615
>>> sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
>>> www.ter-burg.nl
>>> --
>>> Sebastiaan ter Burg
>>> Wittevrouwensingel 27b
>>> 3581 GC Utrecht
>>> +31 6 480 88 615
>>> sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
>>> www.ter-burg.nl
>> --
>> Sebastiaan ter Burg
>> Wittevrouwensingel 27b
>> 3581 GC Utrecht
>> +31 6 480 88 615
>> sebastiaan at ter-burg.nl
>> www.ter-burg.nl
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