[epsi-coord] Fwd: You are awarded as ePSI Trailblazer

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Mon Mar 19 13:49:46 GMT 2012

For the call later today: We need to update this...


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Daniel Rudmark <daniel at viktoria.se>
> Subject: Re: You are awarded as ePSI Trailblazer
> Date: 19. März 2012 14:25:18 MEZ
> To: Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org>
> Hi Daniel,
> and thanks for a great conference!
> In the aftermath of the trailblazer award I have two follow-up questions: 1) One of the organizations would like to send out a press release about this and wondered if there was any official motivation to which they might refer to? 2) Also, have you been able to update the site about the winners? That would have been excellent to link to!
> All the best,
> /Daniel
> Daniel Dietrich skrev 2012-03-12 13:09:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> On 11.03.2012, at 21:53, Daniel Rudmark wrote:
>>> Daniel,
>>> Thanks for your prompt reply.
>>> It seems as if funding worked out - so most probably I will attend Friday, I just need to do some rescheduling first - will confirm tomorrow.
>> Great!
>>> A few follow-up questions:
>>> 1) When does this become official? I know that all involved parties love to communicate this, but it is important that we do not spoil any setup for you.
>> Please keep this confidential until March, 16th as the Winners will be awarded at the conference.
>>> 2) What do you expect from us in terms of presentation? (Presentation with slides, how many minutes etc.)
>> We will expect a very brief presentation (max 5 min) and a statement on the following:
>> - how would you bring the project to the next level? e.g. improve the outreach and impact of the project?
>> - what do you need for the improvement?
>> - how could the european PSI re-use community support you on this?
>>> 3) Could you elaborate on the peer support part in the prize?
>> That is the idea with the peer support. The ePSI team would work with you to see if we can help you with your challenges.
>> Daniel
>>> Cheers,
>>> Daniel
>>> Daniel Dietrich skrev 2012-03-11 15:50:
>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>> About the ePSI platform
>>>> The ePSI Platform aims to stimulate European wide re-use of public sector information and is funded under the European Commission eContent plus programme. It is run by a consortium consisting of Ton Zijlstra (Interdependent Thoughts), Marc de Vries (Citadel Consulting), Tom Kronenburg (ZENC), Katleen Janssen and Hans Graux (Time.lex), and Daniel Dietrich and Antti Poikola (OKF). The European Public Sector Information (PSI) Platform is funded under the European Commission eContentplus programme.
>>>> The Trailblazers will be awarded around noon. There are only 3 winners, one of them you. It is not yet written in the programme. Please see the programme for an idea of the layout of the day.
>>>> Would be grat if you were able to come!
>>>> Regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 11.03.2012, at 15:27, Daniel Rudmark wrote:
>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>> What an unexpected and honoring surprise! We are extremely happy about this and would of course very much like to come and receive this great award however, I must see if I or someone else is able to arrange sufficient funding for the trip. I will most probably be able to resolve this by tomorrow.
>>>>> Just to be able to communicate this award in a good way - and please excuse my insufficient knowledge about the ePSI Platform - could you just briefly describe what it is and who is behind it? I have seen it referenced in many interesting places and know about the conference - but I was unable to find a short definition of the platform. Also, in terms of planning potential attendance - when must we be on-site to accept the award and discuss the ideas behind trafiklab.se? Finally, do you know how many trailblazers which have been selected?
>>>>> Again, thank you so much for chosing trafiklab.se for the ePSI Trailblazer!
>>>>> Warm regards,
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> Daniel Dietrich skrev 2012-03-10 17:26:
>>>>>> Dear Daniel, dear Trafiklab Team,
>>>>>> In the run to the upcoming ePSI Conference 2012, we are excited to let you know that you and your project
>>>>>> www.trafiklab.se
>>>>>>  are awarded as an ePSI Trailblazer!
>>>>>> The Trailblazers are innovators 'trailblazers', who've done something new and exciting re-using PSI in the last year or so. Instead of handing out another award, we offer you both recognition from your peers and help improving your work. At the ePSI Conference, you'll have the chance to present your ideas and get help in making these ideas even better! FInd more information in the attached PDF and online:
>>>>>> http://epsiplatform.eu/content/join-us-epsiplatform-conference-2012
>>>>>> The ePSI Trailblazers will be awarded at the up coming ePSIplatform Conference 2012, 16 March 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands. We would be honoured if you were able to come in person to the award ceremony.
>>>>>> I would be amazing if you were able to come. Please let us know if you were able to come asap. Also please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Daniel Dietrich
>>>>>> Editor of the ePSI platform
>>>>>> Coordinator Open Government Data WG
>>>>>> Chairman OKF Germany
>>>>>> Open Knowledge Foundation
>>>>>> Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
>>>>>> www.okfn.org - www.okfn.de
>>>>>> www.ddie.me
>>>>>> twitter.com/ddie
>>>>>> +49 176 327 685 30

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