[epsi-coord] Fwd: Evaluation of EPSIPlatform

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Thu May 31 15:29:39 BST 2012

Hi all,

Juan asked to style the user survey a bit more along the lines of the 4 key
goals of the contract (website, community, awareness raising, advisory

Can you guys discuss this monday? Keep it simple: no more than 2 questions
per goal, and as less as possible.

The idea is then to put out the survey in Lime Survey and embed in our

Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


*Share your real life open data experiences,*
*observations and anecdotes:*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu>
Date: Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:29 PM
Subject: RE: Evaluation of EPSIPlatform
To: ton.zijlstra at gmail.com


thanks for this.

I would prefer if the evaluation is better structured around the 4
objectives of the service contract, so that we can better know what has
worked and what not.



*From:* Ton Zijlstra [mailto:ton.zijlstra at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 22, 2012 4:31 PM
*Subject:* Re: Evaluation of EPSIPlatform

 Dear Juan,

 I have located the previous evaluation from 2010 as done by the previous
After internal discussion we propose to use the same questions as used
then, adding 2 or 3 on specific changes made in the platform. The
questionnaire will then be run on-line using Lime Survey, inside the
ePSIplatform for the first three weeks of June (similar to last time). This
allows us to include the results in the Tech Review report after June 30th.

 We have also collected some audio interviews amongst the participants of
the ePSIplatform conference in Rotterdam which we'll add as an additional
data point.
Various e-mails we have received through the ePSIplatform feedback form we
will also include as data points, as far as they are relevant to the
questions at hand.

 Questions to ask then would be:
1) respondent background: PSI re-user, PSI holder, other PSI professional,
non-related to PSI
2) country of residence
3) how did you learn about the portal (internet, conference, colleague,
4) how often do you visit the portal (seldom, monthly, weekly, daily)
5) how often do you visit specific sections (examples, library, topic
reports, guest blogs, news, etc.)
6) how likely is it that you return to the portal (very, likely, unlikely,
very unlikely)
7) how likely is it that you will recommend the portal (very, likely,
unlikely, very unlikely)
8) has the platform enhanced your knowledge of issues related to PSI?
9) how do you rate specific sections of the platform
10) would you like to see more possibilities for platform visitors to post
their own content / blog postings, and other personal functionality?
11) do you make use of any of our web2.0 resources on-line (slidehare,
scribd, twitter, linkedin, flickr)
12) do you have any additional comments you would like to share? (free text)

 Questions 1-9 were also in the previous questionnaire, as was 12.

 If this is ok, we will proceed with creating the questionnaire and bring
it on-line.

 best regards,

 Ton Zijlstra
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


 *Share your real life open data experiences,*
*observations and anecdotes:*

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 4:24 PM, <Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu> wrote:

>  Ton,
> As previously discussed you need to organise the evaluation of your
> services ?
> Did you have a look at what Rob Davies did back in 2009/10 ?
> We would need something soon.
> Thanks
> Juan
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