[epsi-coord] Fwd: The ePSIplatform Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto and Infographic

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 11:26:32 GMT 2012

This I've just sent to the EC.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 12:26 PM
Subject: The ePSIplatform Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto and
To: Katalin.IMREI at ec.europa.eu, "szymon.lewandowski" <
Szymon.LEWANDOWSKI at ec.europa.eu>

Dear Katalin, Szymon,

Today we have published the Open Transport Data Manifesto that is the
output of the ePSIplatform workshop in Helsinki on 17 September.
We have created an infographic to visualize the output of the workshop and
core message of the Manifesto, next to publishing a text version of the

The infographic and manifesto can be found, alongside video and other
proceedings of the workshop at http://epsiplatform.eu/transport
A news item has also been published at

Tomorrow both Daniel Dietrich and I will be at the Big Clean conference in
Prague where I will present on the EU open data strategy for a Czech and
international open data audience as the opening key-note.

Later this month we've been invited to present the EU open data perspective
in Dublin at an event hosted by Dublinked and the Department of Public
Expenditure & Reform.

I wish you both a good weekend,

Ton Zijlstra
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


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