[epsi-coord] last TR
Daniel Dietrich
daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Thu Feb 14 18:17:44 GMT 2013
OK, Claudia has agreed to do this. Tom, can Zenc you transfer the equivalent of 3 days to me or Claudia directly? Or how do we do this?
On 14 Feb 2013, at 15:36, Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I think the trick is to keep it simpler in scope than you suggest in your mail.
> Maybe focus on these three questions:
> 1) which national level open data initiatives in developing nations do we see (just listing a few, like Kenya, etc., and describing them generally. Don't focus this on open aid, but on national projects. As a sideline mention that these national projects usually work closely with international efforts by the World Bank etc. and that things like IATI exist.)
> 2) what are the impacts these nations HOPE to achieve (economic activity, better governance, less corruption etc.), and what are typical actions undertaken (including doing distributed data gathering e.g. like for the slums in Tanzania / Dar-es-Salaam). Indeed researching actual impact is way too big and out of scope of any TR.
> 3) Describe the role of OGP in this. (It seems that OGP is getting much less attention / attraction in the EU, but more in the developing world. Any particular reasons why? Is it the difference between looking at transparency and governance (OGP) and single market (EU))
> and then point to a few things we in the EU might learn from those projects described.
> If Claudia could address those three questions, say with 2 or 3 pages each, that would be good enough I think. Would that be doable?
> We could do a document of our State of the Union, but only as last resort alternative (as we need to run that by the EC first as well)
> best,
> Ton
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Interdependent Thoughts
> Ton Zijlstra
> ton at tonzijlstra.eu
> +31-6-34489360
> http://zylstra.org/blog
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org> wrote:
> I checked with my colleague Claudia Schwegmann and she might be willing to write a report on
> "open data in developing countries" focussing on feasibility/impact research and OGP stuff.
> However I feel this is a huge topic. There are several research projects on its way and the basic output of the TR might be something along the lines: "to early to really say anything, more research needed".
> So I wonder if this is really our best option? Or if somebody else should write about our 2 years summary as discussed.
> BTW: any updates on the other TRs?
> What do you think?
> Daniel
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