[epsi-coord] Publishing TRs
Tom Kronenburg
T.Kronenburg at pblq.nl
Thu Feb 28 13:29:48 GMT 2013
Hi Daniel, I don't think we really had a list with a numbering. We always
added the newest ones with the highest number. (Always only set when it
was published).
Drs. Tom Kronenburg
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Op 28-02-13 14:23 schreef Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org>:
>Thats great Ton,
>Do we have a list of the order of the reports ? I am confused with the
>numbering of them
>the last one online are
> € Charging for PSI Re-use (2012/9)
> € Re-use of Public Procurement Data (nr: 2012/7)
>Can you help?
>On 27 Feb 2013, at 16:13, Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Thanks for agreeing to assist in publishing the last TRs on the
>> This is the recipe you requested:
>> 1) upload the TR to Scribd.com
>> a) login to Scribd. user epsiplatform pw RawD4t4epsi!
>> b) upload PDF TR, adding categories, tags (the keywords from TR),
>>short description etc. Example:
>> c) add TR to the Collection of TRs
>> 2) create a content item in the site
>> a) login to site as user admin same pw as above.
>> b) go to epsiplatform/node/add/report
>> c) add title field: Topic Report: title
>> d) Choose 1 or more themes
>> e) Select country if applicable, otherwise select Europe from
>>country list
>> f) add keywords (the ones listed in TR)
>> g) put abstract from TR in body field. Put cursor at point in
>>abstract after text you think is ok as 'teaser'. Hit 'split at cursor'
>>button. Select 'show summary in full view'. Put abstract in <p></p> tags
>> h) add embed code from scribd.com between <p></p>
>> i ) below the body text select Input format, select PHP code.
>> j ) do 3) and then save
>> 3) attach the TR in PDF to the content item
>> a) somewhere at beginning of edit form, see section 'file
>>attachments'. Add the PDF of the TR and attach it. Ignore error message.
>> b) SAVE (at bottom of form)
>> 4) add the new content item to 2 overview pages
>> a) copy the URL of the content item you just created, plus the
>>direct link to the PDF file you attached to it.
>> b) go to http://epsiplatform.eu/analysis and click Edit. Add the TR
>>to the section 'Recent Topic Reports' a the top of the list as a new <li>
>> c) go to http://epsiplatform.eu/topicreports and do the same thing,
>>but this time also include the link to the PDF (see the rest of page as
>> 5) let me know you've done (I will create news items for each of the
>>published reports)
>> There are 5 TRs to add if I am correct:
>> Europe's data catalogs
>> Linked Data
>> Standardization
>> App competitions
>> Local / regional data
>> and finally the one currently being written by Claudia.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Interdependent Thoughts
>> Ton Zijlstra
>> ton at tonzijlstra.eu
>> +31-6-34489360
>> http://zylstra.org/blog
>> Share your real life open data experiences,
>> observations and anecdotes:
>> http://epsiplatform.eu/content/share-your-story
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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