[EU-lobby-data] Fwd: urgent reminder of tasks before next session Thursday 10 January

Olivier Hoedeman olivier at corporateeurope.org
Tue Jan 8 16:48:02 UTC 2013

Silly mistake in subject line re the date of our next crunch session

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	reminder of tasks before next session Thursday 14 december
Date: 	Tue, 08 Jan 2013 17:46:45 +0100
From: 	Olivier Hoedeman <olivier at corporateeurope.org>
To: 	eu-lobby-data at lists.okfn.org

Dear lobbyfacts.eu collective! I hope you all had a great, relaxing 
winter break; happy new year to all of you. On Thursday afternoon we'll 
be chatting again as we have a collective cleaning session planned 
(thursday 10th January, 2-5PM). In the meantime it would be great to get 
updates on whatever progress has been achieved since we talked on 14 
December. I'm resending the notes from our last call, to remind all of 
us (incl myself) of the tasks we committed to do. I'm also very curious 
if there's any news from the Berlin-based web-designers.

One of the things we need to discuss in the next days is the launch 
date: 19 February turned out not to be available in the Residence 
Palace. Depending on how far we are with all the tasks, we m,ay anyway 
need a week extra (or more)... Shall we start the cleaning session 
Thursday at 14 o'clock with a short skype call about this issue?

friendly greetings


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [EU-lobby-data] notes crunchers' call - 14122012
Date: 	Fri, 14 Dec 2012 18:02:36 +0100
From: 	Natacha Cingotti <natacha.cingotti at foeeurope.org>
Reply-To: 	Data crunching on EU lobby data <eu-lobby-data at lists.okfn.org>
To: 	Data crunching on EU lobby data <eu-lobby-data at lists.okfn.org>

hola folks, quick notes from our call today (below and attached)
Have a nice weekend all


*Notes lobby data crunching call - 14122012*

Present: Erik, Ester, Natacha, Olivier, Timo

- Website update and launch date

With time needed to negotiate new agreement with TacTech, Xmas break 
ahead, and time needed for feedback and testing website,

everyone nervous that timeline not realistic to launch working website 
on 22 January

AP - decision to postpone launch to 19th Feb (week 8)*

*AP - CEO to change room booking at Residence Palace*

- Friedrich's app for crowd-sourcing and issue sector-specific tags

Few people started playing with it and found some strange things 
(classification of categories not matching with OpenSecrets' anymore;

unclarities with what some of the proposed cat. stand for; US 
spelling…). Categories will need to be adapted before launch of the appli.

*AP - Erik to send Friedrich feedback and discuss with him which parts 
can be addressed*

*AP - Erik to check with OpenSecrets how they deal with organizations 
that can be classified under multiple categories *(cf. Arms companies)

*AP - all of us to think of which sectors we'd like to prioritize for 
the launch. Ester to send a list of proposals and everyone to comment on 
it by 15 Jan*

- Decision on average-versus-maximum issue

*Consensus to go for average value*

- Background texts for website

*AP - everyone to send comments to Ester's proposal for structure *

*AP - Ester to send first drafts for everyone to comment by 15 Jan 
(Natacha offers to help -> Ester to send request for specific bits if 

- Launch: press invitations and outreach plan

*AP - all of us to send comments to Ester by 7 January so that she can 
send first invit to journos on 10 January*

*AP - Erik to write first draft for workshop structure by Friday 21 

*AP - Erik to ask Friedrich if needs more things from us 
(decisions/info…) in terms of finishing the programming part *

*+ to suggest proposal on how to move on acronyms *(quite problematic 
for cleaning)

- planning document and calendar

*AP - Olivier to update planning doc and send around*


*Next collective cleaning session: thursday 10th January, 2-5PM*


On Friday, 14-12-2012 on 16:56 Timo Lange wrote:

    Just saw this new email from Mathilde. Didn't have a look at it yet.


    -------- Original-Nachricht --------
    Betreff: Lobby Europe
    Datum: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 14:54:35 +0100
    Von: Mathilde <mathilde at tacticaltech.org>
    An: Timo Lange <timo.lange at lobbycontrol.de>

    To add to the questions I sent earlier, here is the site map and the
    technical scoping that needs to be looked through.
    I hope you are well!


    Timo Lange
    LobbyControl e.V. - Berliner Büro
    Schiffbauerdamm 15
    10117 Berlin
    Tel: ++49 - (0)30 - 275 83 911
    Fax: ++49 - (0)30 - 278 79 367
    timo.lange at lobbycontrol.de <mailto:timo.lange at lobbycontrol.de>
    eu-lobby-data mailing list
    eu-lobby-data at lists.okfn.org <mailto:eu-lobby-data at lists.okfn.org>
    Unsubscribe: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/options/eu-lobby-data

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