[euopendata] Skype
Ton Zijlstra
ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 11:29:41 UTC 2010
Could points Antti.
I'm not sure yet if I will make it in time for the call tomorrow. So if I
don't pop up on Skype, I'm still stuck in a train somewhere. Looking forward
to talking to all of you again.
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra
ton at tonzijlstra.eu
On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Antti Poikola <antti.poikola at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hello all,
> Tuesday 12.1.2010 is getting closer!
> I have two points that I would like to have a chat with people next
> Tuesday:
> #1 Idea: Apps for Democracy Europe contest... national contests this year
> (at least Finland and Germany) and European wide finals this autumn or next
> spring.
> #2 Evaluating the possibility to join CKAN and opengov.x efforts ->
> Vision: a one-click service to establish a nice looking community oriented
> data catalog that is compatible with other catalogs in different cities or
> countries.
> Best regards,
> Antti "Jogi" Poikola
> In the last skype call I promised to clear the Etherpad and send it as
> "meeting minutes" to this list. Here it comes:
> Still online: http://etherpad.com/m2U136pNR9
> ---CLIP---
> *First Skype conference of the informal "Opendata Europe group" *
> 15.12.2009 (12-13 GMT)
> The idea is to have regular teleconferences with European opendata people,
> identify the people and initiatives around Europe. Mainly to keep each other
> updated about peoples doings and see the projects where synergies can be
> found.
> *Next conference calls*
> 2nd Tuesday each month 6pm GMT, 7pm CET
> * Jan 12th
> * Feb 9th
> * March 9th
> http://opendefinition.org/ - new guidance aimed at those publishing
> government data - on licensing/legal tools and
> http://eups20.wordpress.com/2009/10/13/reusing-remixing-and-building-on-the-importance-of-making-data-legally-open/- on the importance of legal openness
> Inviting:
> * Paris: action Jonathan
> * Sweden (Peter Krantz): action Jonathan
> * Norway
> * Iceland
> * Italy Alberto Cottica, David Osimo (to ask them for contacts, not
> that they're into open data themselves) + Politecnico Torino :
> actionpoint Ton
> * Spain http://aporta.es/
> * W3C eGov group: http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/ scout for names
> from the EU.
> * http://www.facebook.com/#/group.php?gid=150661944506 Facebook
> group on open declaration EU. Ask there to see who is interest in
> Open Data.: action Ton
> *Short intro of everybody:*
> /Antti //Poikola //(Finland)/
> * Free consultant (HILA Open Oy -> http://fillarikanava.hel.fi/)
> <http://fillarikanava.hel.fi/%29>
> * Currently writing a Finnish language guidebook of open data to the
> Ministry of transport and communications in Finland -> published
> for all public sector organizations
> * Taking Swedish project to Finland http://www.opengov.se/ ->
> http://test.opengov.fi/
> * Going to translate the Open knowledge definition into Finnish
> (http://opendefinition.org/) <http://opendefinition.org/%29>
> * I was running the Apps for Democracy Finland
> (http://www.mindtrek.org/2009/democracy_finland)
> <http://www.mindtrek.org/2009/democracy_finland%29>
> /Sören// (Germany)/
> * Semantic Data Web researcher from Leipzig, Germany
> * http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~auer<http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/%7Eauer>
> <http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/%7Eauer>
> /Ton (Netherlands//)/
> * initiator of http://ourdata.eu to collect pointers to initiatives,
> examples of re-use and datasets from across the EU
> * blog: http://zylstra.org/blog
> * active from both government, activist and commercial perspective
> * worked for Ministerium f.t. Interior, creating a 'manual' for open
> data, collecting examples and data sources, as well as build the
> network of change agents in Dutch government as well as coders and
> others.
> * hired by Danish gov to moderate conference on open data in Denmark
> next Feb.
> * my regular work is in knowledge/change management, communities of
> practice mainly. http://tonzijlstra.eu/
> * was at Ministerial eGov conference in Malmö, to help present the
> Open Declaration on eGov in the EU.
> /Jonathan Gray// (UK)/
> Open Knowledge Foundation (okfn.org).
> * OKF is working on data.gov.uk and CKAN.
> * Working on German version of CKAN with Daniel.
> * Interested in making open government data registries
> interoperable. Making open (government) data easy to find and eary
> to reuse.
> * Commonalities in law and policy across Europe. E.g. EU PSI
> Directive. Helping to 'equip' open gov data initiatives with
> 'policy toolkits' they need. E.g. evidence for value of open gov data.
> * Also new project with Open Society Institute mapping open
> government data initiatives around the world. Will bring this up
> on list. Want to identify experts and initiatives in each
> jurisdiction.
> * Keen to start having regular (monthly?) calls on open (government)
> data across Europe.
> * Please hold 24th April date in diaries. We plan to have a big
> session at OKCon 2010 in London.
> /Daniel Dietrich (Berlin, Germany)/
> * Chairman Opendata Network Germany http://opendata-network.org
> * Starting CKAN Germany as a cooperation OKFN and ODN http://de.ckan.net
> * Apps 4 Democracy Germany Summer 2010
> * Opendata Hackday Berlin April 2010
> * Workinggroup on "Democracy-API" APIs for German public sector
> *Projects goin on:*
> project with Open Society Institute to map open data/ open gov project
> across EU. Mapping out stuff that's already going on.
> /Eu project application/
> * Sören will post questions to the mailing list, so we can all add
> our suggestions.
> Where does my money go project: http://wheredoesmymoneygo.org/ (
> http://ourdata.eu/node/102) <http://ourdata.eu/node/102%29>
> /CKAN in Germany/
> * open data directory for Germany, metadata, datasources from
> * instance of the CKAN-code (http://de.ckan.net/)
> <http://de.ckan.net/%29> UI translated into German
> * getting into touch with
> Ourdata.eu
> * I am looking for more people to add stuff from 'the ground' in
> different EU countries. To showcase your work.
> * I would also love to make people visible there (show the network
> in the EU)
> * Happy to turn this into joint effort, and use it to showcase things.
> *Dates*
> * Danish conference Feb 4th http://digitaliser.dk
> * 24th of April OKCon 2010 in London (and possibly the day before
> and after)
> * Open Data hack day Berlin: April 24th , 25th < Dates to be changed
> due to OKCon !!
> * Apps4Democracy Germany Summer 2010
> * Regular phonecalls second tuesday of every month
> *Something else*
> Glossary building?
> PSI, Public Service Information
> Communia http://www.communia-project.eu/
> *Action points*
> * Antti will go trough and clean this Etherpad
> * Jonathan will invite people to the e-mail list
> * Jonathan will see the exact dates of the Communia workshops
> * Sören sends email about interesting datasets
> * Everybody (is invited) to create an account at ourdata.eu, and add
> items there as they see fit.
> * I (Antti) have now account
> Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> Welcome to the EU Open Data list. As I mentioned previously, the
>> function of this list is for discussion around a new series of regular
>> Skype/phone calls for those interested in open data in Europe. These
>> will take place on the second Tuesday of every month, at 1900 CET
>> (1800 GMT).
>> The list of people on this list is at:
>> http://wiki.okfn.org/euopendata
>> (Please update affiliations as appropriate!)
>> I suggest in the interests of keeping this small and active, we
>> restrict this list to discussion of things which are non-public where
>> possible (e.g. strategy, funding, etc.) and directly following up
>> action items on calls.
>> For other public discussion, I suggest we use the open government list:
>> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-government
>> If people are happy with this arrangement, happy to subscribe everyone
>> to that list!
>> More soon! :-)
> _______________________________________________
> euopendata mailing list
> euopendata at lists.okfn.org
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/euopendata
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