[euopendata] European data registries
Sure, York
york.sure at gesis.org
Tue Jul 27 16:43:37 UTC 2010
Dear Jonathan,
at least for Germany I am able to give you some advice :-)
Registering research data with unique identifiers such as DOIs for me is the
first step for linking them on a global scale.
I am very happy to inform you that the German Registration Agency for Social
Data (da|ra) went online on 23 July 2010. By assigning the first DOI to the
European Values Study 2008 we opened the service to the public. During the
GESIS Institution's Day we celebrated the event together with guests from
various fields including the principle investigator of the study
Prof Ruud Luijkx from Tilburg University.
Meanwhile the holdings of the Data Archive of the Leibniz-Institute GESIS
are registered as well. Up to now da|ra has assigned 4465 DOIs.
More about da|ra: <http://www.gesis.org/dara/en/home/>
Do not miss the video:
and see the picture:
We are closely collaborating with the DataCite association (we are member)
and selected data providers. It has been a lot of work and we are continuing
to improve the service.
I would be very happy if this proves to be an area for future collaboration
with you :-)
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. York Sure
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Visitors Address: B2,1, D-68159 Mannheim
Postal Address: P.O.Box 12 21 55, D-68072 Mannheim
Tel: + 49 (0) 621 / 1246-149 (Secr.)
Tel: + 49 (0) 621 / 1246-196
Fax: + 49 (0) 621 / 1246-185
Web: http://www.gesis.org
Professor for Applied Informatics in the Social Sciences
University of Koblenz-Landau
WeST - Institute for Web Science and Technologies
Universitaetsstr. 1, D-56070 Koblenz
Web: http://west.uni-koblenz.de
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:euopendata-
> bounces at lists.okfn.org] Im Auftrag von Jonathan Gray
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2010 20:03
> An: EU Open Data Working Group
> Cc: CKAN discuss
> Betreff: [euopendata] European data registries
> Anyone know who is working on/planning data registries in
> Belgium/France? Would be great to get in touch re: CKAN
> interoperability! ;-)
> "Thinking and planning is underway in a number of European countries on
> creating their own versions of a data.gov style portal such as in
> Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain."
> http://www.epsiplus.net/news/news/what_does_the_future_for_open_data_in
> _italy
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Community Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://blog.okfn.org
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> http://identi.ca/jwyg
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