[euopendata] euopendata] Seventh EU Open Data Call

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Wed Jun 2 12:41:54 UTC 2010

Dear Antti and all other open data enthusiasts,

I think we should definitely talk about the news about 

ICT2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data

on the next EU open data working group call. 

Here is is a reminder / invitation for next weeks seventh EU Open Data Call

To attend the conference please come at this time

Seventh EU Open Data Call

	When: Tuesday, June 8th at 1700 GMT, 6pm CET
	strict limit to one hour
	Where: Telephone conference and Openpad for notes.
	Backup channel: #okfn IRC channel on oftc.net (you can connect via Mibbit)
	Chair: Jonathan Gray (IRC: jwyg Skype: jwygray).

Tools used for this Conference call:

1. Conference call landline

Call 0844 84 84 84 0 
Your passcode is: 997297

If you are Calling from abroad?
Austria: 0820 401 15473
France: 082 123 1046
Ireland: 0818 220 002
Germany: 01805 123 0131
Spain: 902 886 038
Poland: 0703 100 353
Everywhere else: +44 844 873 60 60
or +49 1803 002 063

Please note that that the call will cost you about ~ 0.11 Euro/Cent per minute
Please see: http://www.conferencegenie.co.uk/pricing.php

2. Collaborative notes

Please use this 'Openpad' for collaborative notes: 

3. IRC Backup channel

to the #okfn IRC channel on irc.oftc.net
you can also use this web client to access the chat: http://ur1.ca/4fh
We will use this IRC Chat as a backup channel

The conference call will aim to follow up what has happened around open data in Europe. 
Here are the notes from last meeting: http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/euopendata/6

- Participants for tomorrow
Please visit the openpad and mark there if you are able to participate: http://pad.okfn.org/okfn-euopendata

- Introductions
If you have not done already, please go add a short introduction about yourself at:

- Topics for the agenda
Please send to this list and or add to the openpad all ideas and specific topics you have in mind for next meeting.

Looking forward to meet you tomorrow.

Kind regards

Daniel Dietrich

Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
http://www.okfn.org - http://blog.okfn.org

Official Representative
Open Knowledge Foundation in Germany
Web: http://okfn.de
Mail: daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Mobil: +49 (0) 171 780 870 3

On 02.06.2010, at 13:41, Antti Poikola wrote:

> Really cool,
> I've been a bit absent in this euopendata group lately, when do we have our next call?
> -Jogi
> Geert-Jan Houben wrote:
>> Good news!!
>> Geert-Jan
>> Sören Auer wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Good news: Our proposal for the ICT2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data has been selected.
>>> Ivan already pointed out that hotels are usually booked around that time (27-29 Sept) in Brussels, so you might want to reserve a room already now.
>>> Francesco Barbato is our contact person wrt. the organization of the session. I guess the next steps will be to prepare an agenda and invite people - please already start thinking about that.
>>> I will keep you updated about the further proceeeding and preparations.
>>> Best,
>>> Sören
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Subject:
>>> ICT2010 Networking Session #2790
>>> From:
>>> <Francesco.BARBATO at ec.europa.eu>
>>> Date:
>>> Tue, 1 Jun 2010 15:14:49 +0200
>>> To:
>>> <auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
>>> To:
>>> <auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
>>> Dear Soren,
>>> Good afternoon.
>>> I would like to inform you that your submitted ICT2010 Networking Session Proposal #2790 (Governmental Linked Data) has been successfully selected and that I will be your contact point at the European Commission for the organization of the session.
>>> I will be in touch with you shortly so that we can start working on it.
>>> Please acknowledge the receipt of this email.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Francesco
>>> Francesco Barbato
>>> Project Officer
>>> European Commission
>>> DG Information Society & Media
>>> Technologies for Information Management Unit
>>> http://cordis.europa.eu/info-management/
>>> +352 4301 31517 (work)
>>> +352 4301 38069 (fax)
>>> francesco.barbato at ec.europa.eu (email)
>>> Postal address:
>>> European Commission, EUFO 1-279
>>> L-2920 Luxembourg
>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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