[euopendata] New Open Data Manual!

CountCulture countculture at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 21:56:41 UTC 2010

Happy to help if I can be of use.
Chris Taggart

OpenlyLocal :: Making Local Government More Transparent
Blog: http://countculture.wordpress.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CountCulture

On 13 Jun 2010, at 21:42, "Antti \"Jogi\" Poikola" <antti.poikola at gmail.com 
 > wrote:

> Hello Sara and the EU Open Data workingroup:
> Last tuesday we had a further discussion about the "Open Data  
> Manual" and a possibility to get EU level funding for that.
> I collected the discussion into the one place: http://pad.okfn.org/FFULJ4Q2QL
> So far interested contributors are:
> * Antti Poikola
> * Sara Wingate Gray
> * Daniel Dietrich
> * Jonathan Gray
> * Arthur van der Molen (From our university we would be interested  
> to work on a localised  version of the Open Data Manual)
> * Heiko Stoermer
> * Jordan Hatcher
> * Becky Hogge
> * Simon Parrish
> * Rufus Pollock
> I will head off for holidays for two weeks but after that I could  
> organize a conf call for those who are interested about the open  
> data manual. The idea would be to discuss the content and focus of  
> the manual and develope a proposal for EU  level partners (ISTAG and  
> OISPG) to get funding for a European "Open  Data Manual".
> Proposal could include for example:
> ** Translation work of the Finnish manual
> ** Funding for project coordination (editor sallary)
> ** Monetary support for the core authors
> ** Web platform (wiki, technical and graphical design)
> ** Publishing and spreading the printed version of the book
> Before the conf call free free to suggest anything and everything  
> related to that on this email-list. Of course the funding is never  
> for sure... if we don't get funding then the work can be scaled down  
> and done in voluntary bases.
> Description:
> Develope a live (regularly updated) "Open Data Manual" for  
> Governments, especially in Europe in  order to boost the Digital  
> agenda and revitalize the democracy in the member states.
> The manual would be openly and collaboratively developed by the  
> network of experts around Europe (EU Open Data Working Group). The  
> manual would be build on existing work, in particular - Unlocking  
> the Potential of Aid  Information (December 2009), produced by  
> Aidinfo and the Open  Knowledge Foundation, Finnish Open Data  
> Guidebook (March 2010) and a discussion paper produced by the  
> Technical  Advisory Group for the International Aid Transparency  
> Initiative (IATI),  Technical Proposals for how IATI will be  
> implemented (March  2010).
> A core group of authors (3-6) would be selected to carry the main  
> responsability of the manual, but the whole process would be done  
> openly  in Internet by using the collaborative authoring tools like  
> MixedInk, EtherPad and GoogleDocs. The guide would be published both  
> as printed version (pdf) and wikiversion that would be updated.
> A dream schedule would be to have the book published by ICT 2010  
> networking session 27th September ( http://pad.okfn.org/ict2010 )
> Best Regards,
> -Jogi
> On 21 April 2010 18:11, Sara Wingate Gray <sara.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Dear All,
> We are about to start work on a new "Open Data Manual" which will be  
> in the first instance loosely based on existing work on open data in  
> international development.
> In particular the first draft will be based on 'Unlocking the  
> Potential of Aid Information', produced by Aidinfo and the Open  
> Knowledge Foundation, and a discussion paper produced by the  
> Technical Advisory Group for the International Aid Transparency  
> Initiative (IATI):
>  http://www.unlockingaid.info/
>  http://www.co-ment.net/text/2385/
> I'm writing to ask whether any of you are interested in being co- 
> authors of this new Open Data Manual.
> The initial draft is at:
> https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASg-V-gPjO4YZGc3cnN4YzVfNDFja3F3a2djcQ&hl=en
> This will involve merging, cleaning up, and generalising exisiting  
> material as well as adding in new examples and so on, more  
> information is available at:
> http://knowledgeforge.net/okfn/tasks/ticket/329
> Many thanks to Simon Parrish (in cc) for letting us use the material  
> from Aidinfo and IATI.
> Anti, Daniel, Ian, Chris: Rufus mentioned that you might be  
> interested in chipping in to this?
> Comments welcome!
> Best wishes,
> Sara
> Sara Wingate Gray
> --------------------------
> sara.gray at okfn.org
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://www.okfn.org
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