[euopendata] Fwd: Re: ICT 2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data
Elena Simperl
elena.simperl at kit.edu
Sat Jun 19 15:45:47 UTC 2010
Dear all,
I agree with David's general assessment of the ICT 2010 event as a
funding event. ICT 2010 will bring together around 4000 people
interested in the upcoming calls for research proposals of the 7th
Framework Programme. These calls are very likely to include funding
opportunities for topics such as Linked Open Data and eGovernment,
according to latest sources.
The aim of the networking session is two-fold: to point out research
challenges whose resolution would have a great impact on industry and
society and to demonstrate commitment of various stakeholders in working
on such challenges. As such, it would be important that the session has
speakers from various areas:
** research: Tim Berners-Lee, Chris Bizer etc
** industry: global players interested in bringing LOD - we at KIT had
various meetings on this topic with SAP and could ask Lutz Heuser, Head
of SAP Research, to join as a speaker - other companies might be Yahoo,
Google, Microsoft.
** policy makers: probably John Sherridan is already on the list of
potential speakers. We could get a speaker from the German government,
with whom we've been discussing about LOD over the last months.
** data providers: national libraries, Eurostat, and many others.
Am 19.06.2010 17:19, schrieb david osimo:
> Hi all.
> ICT 2010 is an event about the EU ICT research funding, so the focus
> should be mostly on technological research issues. Usually, there are
> 15/20 networking session at the same time, so there is a lot of
> dispersion, usually audience is less then 100 people, depending on topic.
> The key output of the event is the presentation of the EU next funding
> round for ICT research. Sorry to be a bit "direct". The networking
> sessions are mostly about networking with possible partners to submit
> proposal to the EU. And to my knowledge, in the current workprogramme
> there is nothing about Gov Linked Data. However, there is a funding
> stream on Governance and Policy Modelling where the Open Data debate
> could link into. The previous workprogramme is available here
> ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/ict/docs/ict-wp-2009-10_en.pdf
> Still, networking session are a good opportunity to raise awareness
> about a topic, so that it could be taken into account in policy making
> as well as in future funding rounds. I am puzzled over the lack of
> attention by the EU over, for example, interoperability of national
> data catalogues.
> I happen to work on the research roadmap which is defining the
> research priorities on governance and policy modelling - the CROSSROAD
> project www.crossroad-eu.net <http://www.crossroad-eu.net>. We do
> cover linked data, and I will circulate the draft roadmap for your
> review. We will certainly be in your session. Fenareti Lampathaki (in
> cc) is in charge of this topic. We also have a networking session
> which you should definitely attend.
> My proposal is that you try to elicitate in your session also specific
> research issues related to Linked Data and Open Data in general, so
> that they are "put on a map". For example, I quite like the ideas
> spelled out by Tim O Reilly in his opening speech and Gov20 Expo
> 2010. Your input on the research roadmap you are drafting is essential
> for us to make a good roadmap and for you to put Linked Data on the EU
> policy map.
> Thanks and look forward to further discussion. You can already comment
> our "State of the Art" deliverable section on Linked data at
> http://crossroad.epu.ntua.gr/consultationsystem/i-state-of-the-art-review/research-theme-1-open-government-information-intelligence-for-transparency/research-area-1-2-linked-data/
> Thanks
> david
> _
> _
> _
> _
> _
> _
> david.osimo at gmail.com <mailto:david.osimo at gmail.com>
> skype, twitter: osimod
> _http://egov20.wordpress.com_ <http://egov20.wordpress.com/>
> mobile: +32-498088323
> On 18 Jun 2010, at 10:10, Antti Poikola wrote:
>> David Osimo, who knows the EU related things pretty well had good
>> tips and hints regarding to the ICT 2010 networking event.
>> If I remember correctly one thing was to keep it clear that ICT 2010
>> (networking included) focuses on technology. Linked data,
>> interconnectivity between catalogs etc. are good.
>> Davin maybe you can add something more.
>> BR, Antti Poikola
>> Sören Auer wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> We inquired regarding the raised questions with Marta (cf. attached
>>> email). In essence she says, we should rather focus on networking
>>> than outreach:
>>> Soeren: Do you think there will also be EU (and member state)
>>> decision makers in the audience. If so, I think this would increase
>>> the value of having high-level representatives on board. If not, we
>>> might focus more during the session on networking between existing
>>> national initiatives and organize events focusing towards outreach
>>> separately.
>>> Marta: There will be EU and some Member States decision makers, but
>>> their agenda will be restricted for sure. Furthermore you wil have
>>> the time concern of 90 minutes. This, I think, would be not enogh to
>>> address national initiatives and outreach at the same time. The
>>> session will also not be at plenary level, what would more attract
>>> high level speakers like TBL. My advice is to focus on networking
>>> between the existing initiatives and have a separated and focused
>>> high level event.
>>> So this gives us a clearer picture what to focus on. The dates are
>>> not yet fixed, but they will us know as soon as this is known.
>>> Best,
>>> Sören
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Subject:
>>> RE: ICT 2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data
>>> From:
>>> <Marta.Nagy-Rothengass at ec.europa.eu
>>> <mailto:Marta.Nagy-Rothengass at ec.europa.eu>>
>>> Date:
>>> Thu, 17 Jun 2010 21:44:48 +0200
>>> To:
>>> <auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
>>> <mailto:auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>>,
>>> <Francesco.BARBATO at ec.europa.eu
>>> <mailto:Francesco.BARBATO at ec.europa.eu>>,
>>> <Stefano.BERTOLO at ec.europa.eu <mailto:Stefano.BERTOLO at ec.europa.eu>>
>>> To:
>>> <auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
>>> <mailto:auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de>>,
>>> <Francesco.BARBATO at ec.europa.eu
>>> <mailto:Francesco.BARBATO at ec.europa.eu>>,
>>> <Stefano.BERTOLO at ec.europa.eu <mailto:Stefano.BERTOLO at ec.europa.eu>>
>>> CC:
>>> <ivan at w3.org <mailto:ivan at w3.org>>, <jonathan.gray at okfn.org
>>> <mailto:jonathan.gray at okfn.org>>
>>> Dear Sören,
>>> I´m pleased to hear about your active preparation of the networking
>>> sessions. Please find my comments below.
>>> Best regards/ Mit freundlichen Grüssen/ Üdvözlettel,
>>> Márta
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Sören Auer [mailto:auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 2:32 PM
>>> BERTOLO Stefano (INFSO)
>>> Cc: Ivan Herman; Jonathan
>>> Subject: ICT 2010 Networking Session on Governmental Linked Data
>>> Dear Francesco, Stefano, Marta,
>>> We started preparing the ICT 2010 Networking Session on Governmental
>>> Linked Data in the EUOpenData group [1]. Until September we will have a
>>> bi-weekly telco. In the last telco the some questions were raised, which
>>> we would like to discuss with you briefly.
>>> Some members of the group suggested, that we can try to invite some high
>>> level representatives. Ivan e.g. mentioned that there might be a chance
>>> to get Tim Berners-Lee to attend. This raises two questions:
>>> 1. What will be the exact date (and time) of the session.
>>> MNR: Unfortunately we do not have yet a final reallocation of
>>> rooms and slots. This activity is out of our craft, however if you
>>> would have a specific day needed we could try to arrange it. It is
>>> very complex having large number of sessions. 2. Do you think there
>>> will also be EU (and member state) decision makers in the audience. If
>>> so, I think this would increase the value of having high-level
>>> representatives on board. If not, we might focus more during the session
>>> on networking between existing national initiatives and organize events
>>> focusing towards outreach separately.
>>> MNR: There will be EU and some Member States decision makers,
>>> but their agenda will be restricted for sure. Furthermore you wil
>>> have the time concern of 90 minutes. This, I think, would be not
>>> enogh to address national initiatives and outreach at the same time.
>>> The session will also not be at plenary level, what would more
>>> attract high level speakers like TBL. My advice is to focus on
>>> networking between the existing initiatives and have a separated and
>>> focused high level event.
>>> Another question, which was raised is, whether it is possible to use
>>> meeting facilities after the official timeframe of the session. We all
>>> have the impression that once we meet in Brussels it makes sense to
>>> spend more time on getting the ball rolling with this initiative. If no
>>> facilities are available at the ICT event, we will try to find something
>>> else.
>>> MNR: At the ICT event unfortunately we can not offer any
>>> quite and adequate room for discussions. We are facing even shortage
>>> of rooms, because the conference addresses the whole ICT world. What
>>> would be possible to have discussion onside. DG INFSO has its
>>> facilities in Beaulieu (outside of city center). I´m afraid that
>>> this is not the best alternative. After the announcement of the date
>>> of your session we could try to book central facility of the EC or
>>> if you have other partners having adequate rooms to ask for their
>>> help. I fully share your concern to use the presence in Brussels
>>> more intensive than only the networking event. The networking
>>> session will be a good and aditional chanel to mobilise interested
>>> parties.
>>> We currently plan to structure the session around the four different
>>> pillars:
>>> * Open Governmental Data Vision
>>> * Current state of play in Europe
>>> * Technical areas and RTD challenges which need special attention
>>> * Applications and benefits for end-users
>>> MNR:It sound very good. 90 minutes will not allow more. It is
>>> also helpful to have time for spontanous contributions, questions
>>> and networking.
>>> Would be great if you could give us short feedback on the three
>>> questions.
>>> MNR: I hope this answers help, even if we do not have yet the
>>> final date. I´ve alerted the colleague in charge to give a soon answer.
>>> Thanks and best regards,
>>> Sören
>>> [1] http://wiki.okfn.org/euopendata
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dr. Elena Simperl
Research Associate
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
t: +49 721 608 5778
m: +49 1520 1600994
e: elena.simperl at kit.edu
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