[euopendata] Preparations for ICT2010 Networking Session Governmental Linked Data

Jeni Tennison jeni at jenitennison.com
Tue Sep 21 17:05:54 UTC 2010

Hi Sören,

You have the timing wrong for my session onwards: my session should  
end at 12:00 rather than 13:00, bringing the whole thing to an end at  
12:30 rather than 13:30 :)

I have registered for ICT2010.


On 21 Sep 2010, at 16:15, Sören Auer wrote:

> Dear all,
> Just got attached preparatory email for the ICT2010 networking  
> session [1]. Here our agenda again:
> 11:00-11:05 *Welcome and Opening Remarks*, Sören Auer
> 11:05-11:25 *The Open Governmental Data Vision*, Jose Maria Alonso
> 11:25-11:45 *State of Open Governmental Data in Europe*, Jonathan Gray
> 11:45-13:00 *Technical Areas and RTD Challenges*, Jeni Tennison
> 13:00-13:15 *Applications and Benefits for End Users*, Andreas Harth
> 13:15-13:30 *Closing Discussion*, Moderation Ivan Herman
> @Jose Maria, Jonathan, Jeni, Andreas: Did you register for ICT2010?  
> Can you please send me your presentations (as PDF or PPT) till  
> Friday 11am, so I can forward them as requested to Francesco!
> I will try to be online (i.e. read email and be available on Skype  
> as soerenauer) on Monday and Tuesday. In any case my mobile number  
> is: +4915784988949
> Best,
> Sören
> [1] http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/cf/ict2010/item-display.cfm?id=2790
> <Governmental Linked Data Networking Session.eml>

Jeni Tennison

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