[euopendata] VL: Digital Agenda Stakeholder Day, 25 October 2010

Antti Poikola antti.poikola at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 08:29:46 UTC 2010

  Hello everybody,

There is time until tomorrow. friday 24th, to leave *ideas* (max 800 
characters) related to EU Digital Agenda and I heard that especially 
ideas about the use of pen data are expected.

What about:
-EU Open Data manual -> live document
-EU wide data catalogue based on ckan

> Further to your interest in the Digital Agenda for Europe and 
> participation in the recent information meeting in your country, the 
> European Commission's Direct fredrik.vonessen at almega.seorate-General 
> for Information Society would now like to invite you to a follow-up 
> event organised to discuss how to put the new strategy into practice 
> and *how you can get involved*.
> *Why not propose an idea?* *The best ideas will get the chance to be 
> presented at the conference.* In particular, which initiatives do you 
> want to take to implement one (or more) of the 101 Digital Agenda 
> actions? Alternatively, do you have ideas or initiatives that are not 
> directly covered by the listed actions, but which would contribute to 
> meeting the overall aims of the Digital Agenda?
> Please send your contribution using the online form on the event 
> website at: 
> http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/dae/2010/index_en.htm 
> where you will also find all additional information.
> We look forward to receiving your ideas *by 24 September 2010.*
> You can also *watch the conference live* on the web in English, 
> French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish.
> Best regards,
> Ken Ducatel
> Head of Unit
> Unit C1, Directorate-General Information Society and Media
> European Commission
> *Contact:*
> Unit C1, Directorate-General Information Society and Media
> European Commission
> INFSO-DIGITAL-AGENDA at ec.europa.eu 
> <mailto:INFSO-DIGITAL-AGENDA at ec.europa.eu>

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