[euopendata] Next Tuesday, April, 12th: monthly conference call on Open Data in the EU

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Thu Apr 7 06:43:14 UTC 2011

Hi all,

this is a reminder for the upcoming conference call of the Working Group on EU Open Data next Tuesday. Get updates on what is happening in s in the EU countries regarding PSI re-use and open data. You are all invited!

* When: Tuesday, April, 12th at 1700 GMT, 6pm CET
* strict limit to one hour
* Where: Skype or landline Telco
* Backchannel: #okfn IRC channel on  irc.oftc.net
* you can connect via Mibbit http://ur1.ca/4fh
* Chair: Daniel Dietrich (Skype: ddie22)

To participate, please add your name to the pad here:

We decided to keep the call over Skype if there is max. 8 participants, if more people sign names on the list we do it with the a landline Tele-Conference. Check the details the pad. 

Would be really good to talk to some of you and get updates on whats happening in your countries!

Please feel free to suggest topics you would like to talk about in the call.

Kind regards

Daniel Dietrich

The Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org  -  www.opendefinition.org

Mail: daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Mobil: +49 171 780 870 3
Twitter: @ddie

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