[euopendata] Study says charge for public data...
Katleen Janssen
Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be
Thu Jan 13 13:05:41 UTC 2011
Hi Jonathan,
If you find somewhere to set it up, I have hundreds of documents that I can poor into a bibliography :).
From: euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Federico Morando
Sent: donderdag 13 januari 2011 13:01
To: Jonathan Gray
Cc: euopendata
Subject: Re: [euopendata] Study says charge for public data...
On 01/13/2011 12:24 PM, Jonathan Gray wrote:
We should start a comprehensive bibliography (possibly as part of
Working Group on Open Government Data, not the Working Group on EU
Open Data, as I would guess this should probably be international in
Federico: might you be up for putting this together / maintaining this
with me at some point?
I'm a bit reluctant to take up the commitment related to maintaining the bibliography, but I would be happy to help in putting it together. Actually, almost all the references I know (and some others I should read) are already listed here:
or here:
We do not claim any right on these, but if you can quote the links before it could be useful, since we can post updates...
Maybe some relevant economic stuff which is missing from the links above (including some works from Rufus) are listed just here (this is a - partial - bibliography collected by the members of WP 3 of the EVPSI project, in particular Lorenzo Benussi and Raimondo Iemma - some papers are not focused on PSI, but mentioned because of their indirect relevance connected to the models mentioned in the working paper from Lorenzo and Raimondo, that will be available soon on the website of EVPSI):
Arthur, W.B., Increasing returns and the new world of business, Harvard Business Review, 1996
Armstrong, M., Competition in Two-Sided Markets, University College London, 2002
Caso, R., Proprietà intellettuale, tecnologie digitali ed accesso alla conoscenza scientifica: Digital Rights Management vs. Open Access, 2010
Corbin, C., Public Sector Information Economic Indicators & Economic case study on charging models, 2010
Corbin, C., A review of indicators used in PSI Studies, epsiPlatform, 2009
Corbin, C., A review of economic studies on PSI that consider marginal costs / cost recovery, epsiPlatform, 2009
De Vries, M., Regole di decompilazione relative al riutilizzo dei dati pubblici: verso un quadro concettuale, 2010
Dekkers et al., Measuring European Public Sector Information Resources, 2006
Fornefeld et al., Assessment of the Re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) in the Geographical information, Meteorological Information and Legal Information Sectors, MICUS Management Consulting GmbH, 2008
Hagiu, A., Two-Sided Platforms: Pricing and Social Efficiency, RIETI, 2005
Newbery et al., Models of Public Sector Information Provision via Trading Funds, University of Cambridge, 2008
OECD, Working party on the information economy, Digital broadband content: Public Sector Information and content, 2006
Office of Fair Trading, The commercial use of public information, UK, 2006
Open Knowledge Foundation, Beyond Access: Open Government Data and the "Right to Re-use", draft, 2010
Parayil, G., The Digital Divide and Increasing Returns: Contradictions of Informational Capitalism, The Information Society, 21: 41 - 51, 2005
Pira International, Commercial exploitation of Public Sector Information, Final Report, 2000
Pollock, R., The Economics of Public Sector Information, University of Cambridge, 2008
Robinson et al., Government Data and the Invisible Hand, Yale J.L. & Tech, 2009
Rochet, J-C. and Tirole, J., Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets, Journal of the European Economic Association, 1 (4), 1993
Romer, P.M., Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth, Journal of Political Economy, 94 (5), 1986
van Eechoud, M., van Eechoud, B., Creative commons licensing for public sector information. Opportunities and pitfalls, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, 2008
Weiss, P., Conflicting Public Sector Information Policies and their Economic Impacts, U. S. Department of Commerce, 2002
Wright, J., One-sided logic in Two-sided markets, RNE, 2004
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Hjalmar Gislason
<hjalli at datamarket.com><mailto:hjalli at datamarket.com> wrote:
This is not good news!
We Open Data advocates need to convince people in the government (once
again) how much more valuable it is for governments to provide free
access to PSI and thereby spur innovation, provide transparency and
save us all money.
I remember two papers that Ton may be be referring to:
1. The UK Conservative's "Technology Manifesto" quoting Rufus Pollock
that Open Data is worth GBP 6 billion to the UK economy annually:
2. The UK's "Office of Public Sector Information" report from 2006
that argued that more open access to PSI in the UK was worth GBP 1
billion annually:
The general arguments have obviously been detailed in a lot of places
by a lot of people, including members of this group. Here's an article
I've used quite a lot to argue for Open Data in Iceland:
http://grapevine.is/Home/ReadArticle/Public-Data-Essay - but there are
many better examples out there.
Hjalmar Gislason
Founder & CEO, DataMarket
M: +354 860 3800
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com><mailto:ton.zijlstra at gmail.com> wrote:
Very interesting. Will read this with attention.
I seem to remember other studies that concluded that any revenue to be
gained from selling data would be marginal compared to the value created
through a.o. commercial re-use. Though of course, I now cannot find pointers
to them. (Any suggestions?)
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra
ton at tonzijlstra.eu<mailto:ton at tonzijlstra.eu>
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Peter Krantz <peter.krantz at gmail.com><mailto:peter.krantz at gmail.com>
"The authors conclude that in times of tight budgets, the optimal
policy may be to charge for commercial reuse at reasonable rates
designed to cover the cost of the added value. This policy rightfully
shifts a share of the costs of producing PSI from taxpayers to those
who obtain a commercial benefit from using it outside its primary
purpose. Significantly, this approach would not diminish the overall
economic equilibrium of PSI reuse. For non-commercial reuse, setting
rates equal to the marginal cost of making the information available
would be optimal in most cases, as the willingness to pay for this
type of reuse is generally low. The study did not specifically address
the case where public entities competes with private operators and/or
are required to self-finance part of its budget."
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