[euopendata] Programme details: Government Linked Data workshop in Warsaw on 20.10.2011

Kingsley Idehen kidehen at openlinksw.com
Sun Oct 16 18:11:12 UTC 2011

On 10/16/11 8:18 AM, Martin Kaltenböck wrote:
> Dear all,
> (Apologies for cross-posting)
> If you are interested in learning more about the benefits and potentials as well as the
> principles of Linked Open Data (LOD) in the area of Open Government Data AND would like
> to hear about several concrete best practise examples in this area please take part in
> the GLD workshop at the OGD camp 2011 next Thursday!!
> The programme for the Government Linked Data (GLD) workshop next week in the
> course of the OGD Camp 2011 in Warsaw Poland is fixed now. The workshop
> will take place on 20.10. 2011 in the afternoon from 02.00pm to 05.30pm CEST in Sala 1.
> For all details see: http://bit.ly/GLD-workshop2011
> Looking forward to meeting you there and having fruitful discussions about Government Linked Data!
> All the best!
> Martin
> --
> Martin Kaltenböck, CMC
> Managing Partner, CFO
> Semantic Web Company (SWC)
> Mariahilferstrasse 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
> A - 1070 Vienna, Austria
> Tel +43.1.402 12 35 - 25, Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22
> http://www.semantic-web.at
> http://blog.semantic-web.at
> http://poolparty.biz
> LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/
> mailto:m.kaltenboeck at semantic-web.at


Re. RDF datasets you've published, what about adding relations that 
leverage DBpedia URIs for each country?

Look at the following to see why:

- a specific observation

-- all observations



Kingsley Idehen	
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca: kidehen

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