[euopendata] Extended deadline April 28th : Open Legislative Data Conference in Paris - July 6-7

Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou b.ooghe at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 20:07:48 UTC 2012

Dear everyone,

This is a quick reminder about the Open Legislative Data Conference we
are organising in Paris on July 6-7:

At first, we would like to remind that attendance is open and free to
anybody interested in parliamentary and legislative informatics.
Subscription for simple attendance to the conference will soon be
proposed online and we invite you to subscribe to the following
mailing-list to be kept informed (simply send an empty mail to:
thelawfactory-subscribe at ml.regardscitoyens.org )

Regarding presentations, we already received a good number of
applications for talks with people coming from all of Europe, Africa
and America, but we still have a few places left for 5 to 10 minutes
talks and a couple small grants to fund trips. Therefore the deadline
for proposals was extended to April 28th. Please do not hesitate and
submit your proposals !

All the best,

Benjamin for Regards Citoyens

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