[euopendata] Russian opendata seminar results

Ivan Begtin ibegtin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 10:12:52 UTC 2012


Here in Russia we have lot's of ongoing activities about open data. Our
officials finally started waking up and using words like "opendata" and
"open government" at least with little understanding.

So last friday W3C Russia and High School of Economy (one of the leading
research univerties of Russia) organized seminar dedicated to Linked Data
and Open data.

Some interesting results:
1. Our federal ministry of economic development lauched public
consultations about open data. Once again they confirmed that open data is
one of key priorities for federal government and one of the topics about it
is how to publish data. To create one all-Russia portal like data.gov.ru or
to let any federal ministry to lauch open data initiative.

2. Most officials don't yet understand Linked Data ideas but slowly they
start. We keep trying to convince them to link datasets alltogether and
that it's create additional value. So there is a great chance that linked
data will be part of federal opendata initiatives.

3. Everybody was talking about commercial use of opendata and economic
benefits from data re-use. Every official asked for examples and cases of
successfull commercial usage of opendata or any government data.

If you are interested I could send you more from this seminar in english.

And sure any help with information about commercial reuse of information
and how to do it right is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,
  Ivan Begtin

Director of non-governmental partship "Informational Culture" (
Lead of Linked Data W3C Russia (http://w3c.org.ru)
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