[euopendata] Classification of open datasets...
Carlos Iglesias
contact at carlosiglesias.es
Sun Mar 3 19:14:42 UTC 2013
Hi everybody,
Getting back to the original and interesting question from Peter, who was
asking for taxonomies and not vocabularies to represent or point to them, I
was involved in the development of the Spanish National Catalogue [1] one
[2]. It is based on EUROSTAT [3], the World Bank Data Classification [4],
the OECD Stats Classification [5] and several national references, such as
the proposal at the 11/2007 Law, the 060 [6] Information Service
Classification, The Spanish National Statistics Institute [7] and The EUGO
Network national classification [8].
We found that EUROVOC was also a very good option, but maybe too oriented
to the European Parliament activity. The hard decision was also how to
balance between something more European compatible and something more
national specific and complete. I Would love also to know about what is
being used in other initiatives, such as the aforementioned case in France,
what drove their decisions and what the challenges were.
Carlos Iglesias, Open Data Independent Consultant.
[1]- [http://datos.gob.es]
[2] - [http://datos.gob.es/datos/sites/default/files/files/12_tax_02.pdf]
[3] - [http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/statistics/themes
[4] - [http://data.worldbank.org/topic]
[5] - [
[6] - [http://www.060.es/]
[7] - [http://www.ine.es/inebmenu/indice.htm]
[8] - [
On 1 March 2013 10:32, Peter Krantz <peter at peterkrantz.se> wrote:
> Hi!
> Many countries are developing national portals with metadata about
> open datasets from the public sector. To make datasets easier to find
> and to lower the threshold for pan-european (or global) re-use it
> would be great if classification of datasets followed a shared
> taxonomy.
> There are many candidates that could be used, e.g. Eurovoc [1], NACE
> [2]. I would be grateful for any pointers if there is work going on to
> harmonize classification of datasets on a global or European level.
> Regards,
> Peter Krantz
> http://www.peterkrantz.com
> @peterkz_swe
> [1]: http://eurovoc.europa.eu/ - availabble as LOD
> [2]: http://ec.europa.eu/competition/mergers/cases/index/nace_all.html
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