[okfn-coord] OKF Accounts for 2006-2007

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sat Feb 16 10:54:54 UTC 2008

Dear Jo and Martin,

Our accountant has just sent over the accounts for last year and I've 
uploaded the scan to:


(apache login: username: okfn, password: plaworr9)

These need to be approved by the Board before I formally write back to 
them. For this purpose I'm writing to you two to get your approval. If I 
don't hear anything by the end of next Wednesday (20th) I'll assume 
you're happy with what we've got -- though I'd prefer an affirmative 
response :)

Note, finally, that there are certain issues in that they have tended to 
draft things in a format that is more suited for a company limited by 
shares (e.g. heading 'Sales' which should really be 'Donations' or 
'Other Income' as we don't have any sales). However I have spoken with 
the accountant and he has indicated this won't cause any problems. 
However I could ask them to make more effort to and amend this.


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