[okfn-coord] Next Board Meeting: Tuesday December 15th @ 1830 GMT

Martin Keegan martin at no.ucant.org
Mon Dec 14 20:16:58 UTC 2009

> Further to this, please can everyone come to the meeting having read
> the minutes for publication I drafted so that they can be approved or
> otherwise fairly swiftly?

Further to the bollocking I got at the last meeting, please find the most
recent accounts at the location quoted at the bottom of this message.

What has been done:
 * include all the work invoiced for but not paid
 * include the PayPal donations / OKCon revenues (since 2006)
 * include hosting donations in kind (as of this quarter)
 * make balance sheet and P&L statements obvious

The effect of including the invoiced work is rather dramatic.

The hosting costs run to around 75 quid a month, which now shows up on our

The paypal donations mean our monthly income is up by about the same
amount per month.




This is linked for convenience from the board wiki. The Google docs userid
you need is okfn.admin and the password is the same as for the board wiki.

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