[okfn-coord] Fwd: Grant Funding Call 12/08: JISC Information Environment and e-Research

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Sun Feb 8 11:55:19 UTC 2009

Just to follow up our possible JISC bids - I looked through this
properly earlier in the new year, and the cost of the application is
high (10+ pages), and the focus is mainly on repositories,
text-mining, and suchlike .

We could try the OER bid:


While the individual and institutional bids look like they are
primarily to publish existing course material, the subject bid looks

  "Projects will encompass a consortium led by an Academy Subject
Centre and including at least one Professional Body, or national
subject association, and several Institutional subject faculties,
departments, or schools working in one or more of the relevant subject

I guess our main options are:

  * Weaving History
  * Open Shakespeare
  * Open Economics

In either case, we'd have to identify potential partner institutions -
so we'd have to get on this ASAP. Deadline is 4th March, giving us
just under 2 months.


On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
>> This looks like it could be an interesting one to apply for.
>> I suggest applying with CKAN and trying to get comprehensive coverage
>> + domain specific metadata for open data in a given discipline. We
>> should also have institutional affiliation of some kind - preferably
>> with multiple places. So perhaps with PMR and people at Southampton
>> for open scientific data. Or with Nottingham (and others?) for open
>> geodata.
>> What do people think?
> This looks interesting and as you say we would need to talk asap to
> e.g. Peter Murray-Rust or Cameron Neylon or ...
> Rufus
> PS: can you add this info to the board wiki ...

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