[okfn-coord] Supporters Drive Options: comment by **Wednesday 28th**

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sat Oct 24 10:33:17 UTC 2009

There was a discussion in board meeting around whether we should
continue with our existing supporter drive or replace it with
something different. One Action was for me to follow-up to the list
about this which I am now doing.

Options (as I see them):

1. Donor-supporter drive - what we have at moment. Focused on getting
people to sign up to make a regular donation.

2. Badging-supporter drive - asking people to make their support of
the OKF a little bit more 'official' by e.g. displaying an "Open
Knowledge Foundation" badge of some kind.

3. Do nothing

Was pointed out that one could still have some money aspect e.g. by
tagging on to the badging an option to make a donation -- which might
be rather more attractive than a straight ask.

One issue that does arise here is the relationship of these supporters
to our "network members" (see my other recent email). Not sure this is
something we need to get into too much -- seems clear supporters are
rather more loosely related to us than members -- but if people have
comments please say.

**Please could people indicate their preference asap.**

Once we have an agreed option we can move on to developing actions and
timeline ...


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