[foundation-board] Face to face Board meeting this Thursday

Ian Brown ian.brown at oii.ox.ac.uk
Mon Aug 9 09:10:53 UTC 2010

On 9 Aug 2010, at 09:52, Jo Walsh wrote:

> In my mind, it is important to separate out the practical bits that 
> really should be private (contracts in indefinite state, sums of money 
> in an uncertain place, comments that could affect other peoples' current 
> employment situations) from the practical bits that can only benefit 
> from being discussed in public (governance structure of the Foundation, 
> general responsibilities of the board) on the coord list.

Jo, I think you're right on this. To my mind, the "private" data above relate to operational issues that should be looked after day-to-day by the chief exec of the organisation. The board should (realistically, CAN ONLY) exercise higher-level oversight - e.g. what general terms and conditions need to be in contracts for the protection of OKF; approving the medium-term strategy of the chief exec, not micro-managing its execution.

Is Rufus this chief exec? If he doesn't have time/inclination (please let us know, Rufus!) then who is? Jonathan? Someone else?

Do we have any problems with in future moving towards a situation where organisational members (how are these defined? Project leaders?) elect some/all directors of the company? Becky, did you see any negatives as ORG made this transition?

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