[foundation-board] Board Agenda for 2010-08-12 (was: Re: Face to face Board meeting this Thursday)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Aug 10 12:54:02 UTC 2010

On 9 August 2010 09:11, Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Board members
> Is everybody still on for the face-to-face Board meeting this
> Thursday? Please can you RSVP, as I've had pretty much radio silence
> since we landed on the 12th as a date last week.
> If all is still going to plan, I think it's time we started building
> an agenda. I also suggest that we try and roll in agenda items for our
> regular 17 August board meeting into this meeting so we can all take
> that Tuesday evening off. Let me know if you're in favour.
> It's been suggested that the meeting start at 11am.
> I've started a draft Agenda here:
> http://okfn.org/board/wiki/BoardMeetings/2010-08-12

To make life easier for editing I've created a pad and moved existing
content there:


Login is foundation-board at lists.okfn.org + usual new board password.

If people are happy I suggest we move to this pad for drafting the
agenda (happy to stick with wiki if people prefer that!)



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